This repository contains the project made for the course of Cognitive Services at the Master degree in computer science at the University of Padua.
In report/
folder there is the paper associated to the project. It explains the choices, the approach and the dataset that we used in the project.
In code/
folder there is the code to reproduce the experiments performed for the project and explained in the project report:
creates the five CNN models explained in the Proposed model section of the report;
computes the metrics scores associated with the five models built by the previous script;
trains the proposed model with the three learning rate values explained in the Optimizer and optimizer hyperparameters choice section of the report;
creates the oversampled dataset to perform the experiment explained in the Experiments section of the report;
performs all the experiments presented in the Experiments section of the report;
computes the metrics scores associated with the models built by the previous script.
In results/
folder there are all the results obtained in this project and showed in the project report.
In presentationSlides/ folder there are the slides used to present this project.
In courseSlides/ folder there are the slides used by Professors to explain the course.
In usefullInfo/ folder there are some useful informations about skin cancer classification task and deep learning topics.