Team Red Miner v0.10.8
This release primarily adds support for triple mining of ethash+kas+zil and erg+kas+zil, and extends kawpow on 4GB gpus until epoch 369.
README highlights:
- GPU: Kawpow on Polaris 4GB gpus extended to epoch 369 (end of April 2023).
- GPU: Tiny Kaspa gpu hashrate boost across all gpus (+0.1%).
- GPU: Added triple ERG+KAS+ZIL and ETH+KAS+ZIL mining support, add both --kas and --zil sections to enable.
- GPU: R-mode support in dual/triple ZIL mining. Specify --eth_config=R inside --zil ... --zil_end to enable.
- GPU: Fixed HiveOS ERG+KAS issues with stray hw errs reported on RDNA2 gpus.
- GPU: Fixed additional small issues with dual zil mining paired with older algos.
- GPU: Fixed hw err issues for verthash when running with R-mode kernel params.
Windows binary checksums
SHA256 teamredminer.exe a640ce1aa3ecb5c8e7d3fb323302b0c92b88c11ea1a8433c4a8144c64873e419
MD5 teamredminer.exe 5c0e990865ae8f56b0e490e4cd637cd3
Linux binary checksums
SHA256 teamredminer de41bbeac76922632b5ccb5c34167bbdf598b381774e19774f5f6cdfd5af56b1
MD5 teamredminer 4c5e374a50415e5fb5ab5b12f8d85d62
Linux armhf binary checksums
SHA256 teamredminer 0b4ef6301ad455faf39181ffaae2e4a4859383ee4d9f93acc8fc0e69308a6a08
MD5 teamredminer 773f3455e655a8ce08b05b5af056933b
EDIT: added a custom Hive package trm_custom-0.10.8.tgz.