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Tim Nelson edited this page Feb 16, 2022 · 9 revisions


To run Forge, you will need to have installed:

  • Racket (we suggest the latest version, which was 8.3 as of writing);
  • Java 11 or later (which you can get here if you don't have it).

Installing Forge

To install Forge, you have two options. The first is to install from Racket’s package system, and the second is to work from the latest development build.

Standard Package System

For the standard package-system installation, after installing Racket, run raco pkg install forge from your command line. Alternatively, you can run Racket's IDE, DrRacket, and navigate to File > Install Package. Type forge as the package name and choose Install (if it's already installed, it'll be an Update button, which it's good to do regularly as we will be pushing new features/content throughout the semester).

Latest Development Build

For the latest development build, you’ll need to:

  • clone our Git repository (git clone;
  • cd to the repository (cd forge);
  • check out the development branch (git checkout dev);
  • cd to the Forge package directory (cd forge again); and
  • finally, install the package (raco pkg install).

Note the lack of forge at the end of the final command; raco will install from the package system if you say raco pkg install forge, but if you just say raco pkg install it uses the current directory.

Installing Forge's VSCode Extension

  • Download the latest release from here. You should download the file that says "forge-language-server-[version].vsix".
  • Open VSCode and click on the Extensions button on the left hand side of the window.
  • Click the three dots on the top.
  • Select “Install from VSIX” and select the file you just downloaded.

Checking your installation

Once Racket, Forge, and Java are installed, you should confirm that everything is working properly. Create a textfile test.frg with only the contents #lang forge and then, from your command line, type racket test.frg. If this runs without error, congratulations, Forge should now be installed!

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