This project is a basic UI testing framework with Capybara + Ruby + Bundler + Gauge testing Dave Haeffner's site, The-Internet.
Normally, logs and reports are set not to upload in the .gitignore. We have uploaded both for the reader to view.
Example: The reader can view the HTML Reports: ( generated.
December 2018
Code walkthoughs are given on the software testing blog, Adventures in Automation at
- Part One: Analyzing The-Internet
- Part Two: Setup Ruby Environment
- Part Three: Setup Capybara to Test Opening Chrome
- Part Four: Add Option For Chrome Headless
- Part Five: Add Test Steps and Spec Implementations
- Part Six: Setup Chrome and ChromeDriver Logging
- Part Seven: Rubocop Code Review
- Source Code:
- Spec: The test specifications: Human readable documents telling what is being tested and how
- Step Implementations: Matches the test steps with the Capybara code that executes the browser tests
- Step Implementations/Spec_Helper.rb: Configures Capybara to work with the Gauge framework, sets up Chrome to open in headless and non-headless mode, and sets up Chrome and ChromeDriver logging.
- Reports: See what happens when the browser tests run, in xml, json, or html format.
- Logs: Anything go wrong when running the tests? Check if there are console errors in the chrome.log, or Selenium problems in the chromedriver.log.