simple tool to rename all files from camera - names will contain data/time from EXIF
It renames all .jpg files in the current directory in the following way:
where YYYY, MM, DD, hh, mm, ss - year, month, da, hour, minute, seconds from DateTimeOriginal field of EXIF data.
The only purpuse of this tool - make possible to store all my photos from camera in one directory and sort them by time of shooting. (camera uses DSC_XXXX.jpg names and XXXX number starts from 0001 every time after memory card clean up)
Tool uses 'easyexif' library
Install build tools: gcc, g++, cmake.
cmake .
easyexif should be cloned automatically by CMake If there is problem like "easy exif files are not found" try to run cmake/make again.
Do not run it twice! Names will be longer and longer after every run :)
but do not expect quick reply or comments: this tool is only personal use and I do not want to improve/fix it.