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Run vectorizers using pgai vectorizer worker

When you install pgai on Timescale Cloud or another cloud installation, you use scheduling to control the times when vectorizers are run. A scheduled job detects whether work is to be done for the vectorizers. If there is, the job runs the cloud function to embed the data.

When you have defined vectorizers on a self-hosted Postgres installation, you use vectorizer worker to asynchronously processes them. By default, when you run pgai vectorizer worker, it loops over the vectorizers defined in your database and processes each vectorizer in turn.

This page shows you how to install, run, and manage the workers that run vectorizers in your database:


To run vectorizer workers, you need to:

Install and configure vectorizer worker

To be able to run vectorizers in your self-hosted database, use one of the following setups:

End-to-end vectorizer worker with Docker Compose

The end-to-end vectorizer worker is a batteries-included Docker Compose configuration which you use to test pgai, vectorizers and vectorizer worker locally. It includes a:

  • local Postgres instance with pgai installed,
  • Ollama embedding API service
  • pgai vectorizer worker

On your local machine:

  1. Copy the following configuration into a file named compose.yaml

    name: pgai
        image: timescale/timescaledb-ha:pg17
          POSTGRES_PASSWORD: postgres
          - "5432:5432"
          - data:/var/lib/postgresql/data
        image: timescale/pgai-vectorizer-worker:latest
          PGAI_VECTORIZER_WORKER_DB_URL: postgres://postgres:postgres@db:5432/postgres
          OLLAMA_HOST: http://ollama:11434
        command: [ "--poll-interval", "5s" ]
        image: ollama/ollama
  2. Start the services locally

     docker compose up -d
  3. Connect to your self-hosted database

    • Docker: docker compose exec -it db psql
    • psql: psql postgres://postgres:postgres@localhost:5432/postgres

Standalone vectorizer worker with Docker

The timescale/pgai-vectorizer-worker docker image supplies the pgai vectorizer worker. You use this image to run vectorizers on any self-hosted Postgres database that has the pgai extension activated.

On your local machine:

  1. Run the vectorizer worker

    For self-hosted, you run a pgai vectorizer worker to automatically create embedding from the data in your database using vectorizers you defined previously.

    Start the vectorizer worker:

    docker run timescale/pgai-vectorizer-worker:{tag version} --db-url <DB URL>

Install vectorizer worker as a python package

On your local machine:

  1. Install pgai from PyPI

    pip install pgai

    The vectorizer worker, pgai vectorizer worker is now in your $PATH.

  2. Run the vectorizer worker

    After you define a vectorizer in your database, you run a vectorizer worker to generate and update your embeddings:

    1. Configure environment variables if necessary (see Additional configuration via environment variables) for a list of the available environment variables.

    2. Run the vectorizer worker:

      pgai vectorizer worker -d <db-connection-string>

Run vectorizers with vectorizer worker

By default, when you run a vectorizer worker, it loops over the vectorizers defined in your database and processes each vectorizer in turn. Five minutes after completing each vectorizer run, the vectorizer worker loops over the vectorizers again. For a local installation, you use the -i / --vectorizer-id command line argument to manage which vectorizers that are run by that worker instance. For docker compose you add arguments using either the command or environment flags in compose.yaml.

A vectorizer worker can:

  • Run all vectorizers:

    To run all current and future vectorizers:

    • local: pgai vectorizer worker
    • Docker: docker run timescale/pgai-vectorizer-worker:{tag version}
    • Docker Compose: command: []
  • Run a single vectorizer:

    To run the vectorizer with id 42:

    • local: pgai vectorizer worker -i 42
    • Docker: docker run timescale/pgai-vectorizer-worker:{tag version} -i 42
    • Docker Compose: command: ["-i", "42"]
  • Run multiple specific vectorizers:

    To run the vectorizers with ids 42, 64, and 8:

    • local: pgai vectorizer worker -i 42 -i 64 -i 8
    • Docker: docker run timescale/pgai-vectorizer-worker:{tag version} -i 42 -i 64 -i 8
    • Docker Compose: command: ["-i", "42", "-i", "64", "-i", "8"]
  • Run multiple vectorizers in concurrent vectorizer workers:

    To run the vectorizers with id 42 and 64 in different vectorizer workers:

    1. In a first shell, run:

      • local: pgai vectorizer worker -i 42
      • Docker: docker run timescale/pgai-vectorizer-worker:{tag version} -i 42
      • Docker Compose: command: ["-i", "42"]
    2. In another shell, run:

      • local: pgai vectorizer worker -i 64
      • Docker: docker run timescale/pgai-vectorizer-worker:{tag version} -i 64
      • Docker Compose: command: ["-i", "64"]
  • Run concurrent vectorizer workers on a single vectorizer

    More than one vectorizer worker can efficiently process the same vectorizer id at the same time. To run the vectorizer with id 41 in different vectorizer workers:

    1. In a first shell, run:

      • local: pgai vectorizer worker -i 42
      • Docker: docker run timescale/pgai-vectorizer-worker:{tag version} -i 42
      • Docker Compose: command: ["-i", "42"]
    2. In another shell, run:

      • local: pgai vectorizer worker -i 42
      • Docker: docker run timescale/pgai-vectorizer-worker:{tag version} -i 42
      • Docker Compose: command: ["-i", "42"]

You find the vectorizer ids in the ai.vectorizer table.

Set the time between vectorizer worker runs

When you run a vectorizer worker, it loops over the vectorizers defined in your database. Each vectorizer worker processes vectorizer queue until it is empty. By default, the vectorizer worker sleeps for five minutes, then start over.

To control the time between vectorizer worker iterations, set the integer seconds or a duration string in the --poll-interval parameter:

  • Run every hour:

    • local: pgai vectorizer worker --poll-interval=1h
    • Docker: docker run timescale/pgai-vectorizer-worker:{tag version} --poll-interval=1h
    • Docker Compose: command: ["--poll-interval", "1h"]
  • Run every 45 minutes:

    • local: pgai vectorizer worker --poll-interval=45m
    • Docker: docker run timescale/pgai-vectorizer-worker:{tag version} --poll-interval=45m
    • Docker Compose: command: ["--poll-interval", "45m"]
  • Run every 900 seconds:

    • local: pgai vectorizer worker --poll-interval=900
    • Docker: docker run timescale/pgai-vectorizer-worker:{tag version} --poll-interval=900
    • Docker Compose: command: ["--poll-interval", "900"]
  • Run once and then exit:

    • local: pgai vectorizer worker --once
    • Docker: docker run timescale/pgai-vectorizer-worker:{tag version} --once
    • Docker Compose: command: ["--once"]

    This is useful if you want to run the vectorizer worker on a cron job.

Set the number of asynchronous tasks running in a vectorizer worker

Use the -c / --concurrency option to cause the vectorizer worker to use multiple asynchronous tasks to process a queue:

  • local: pgai vectorizer worker -c 3
  • Docker: docker run timescale/pgai-vectorizer-worker:{tag version} -c 3
  • Docker Compose: command: ["-c", "3"]

Additional configuration via environment variables

Some important internals of the vectorizer worker are configured through the following environment variables.

Environment Variable Default Purpose
PGAI_VECTORIZER_WORKER_DB_URL - Configures the database url that the vectorizer worker uses to procesa vectorizers.
OPENAI_API_KEY - The API key that the vectorizer worker uses to authenticate against the OpenAI API. Can also be provided on the db instance.
VOYAGE_API_KEY - The API key that the vectorizer worker uses to authenticate against the Voyage AI API. Can also be provided on the db instance.
OLLAMA_HOST http://localhost:11434 The host to use when communicating with the Ollama API.
PGAI_VECTORIZER_OLLAMA_MAX_CHUNKS_PER_BATCH 2048 Configures the number of chunks of data embedded in one Ollama API call, defaults to 2048