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Automate AI embedding with pgai Vectorizer

Vector embeddings have emerged as a powerful tool for transforming text into compact, semantically rich representations. This approach unlocks the potential for more nuanced and context-aware searches, surpassing traditional keyword-based methods. By leveraging vector embeddings, users can search through things that have similar meanings but use completely different words.

While modern vector databases like PostgreSQL excel at storing and querying these embeddings efficiently, the challenge of maintaining synchronization between embeddings and their source data has typically fallen to developers, requiring manual workflows and custom solutions.

Enter our innovative SQL-level interface for embedding services. This guide introduces a groundbreaking approach that automates the embedding process within the database management system itself. By treating embeddings as a declarative, DDL-like feature—akin to an index -- but with the added flexibility of representing only a part of a row's data -- we've simplified the entire workflow.

Our system empowers you to:

  • Designate any text column for embedding using customizable rules
  • Automatically generate and maintain searchable embedding tables
  • Keep embeddings continuously synchronized with source data (asynchronously)
  • Utilize a convenient view that seamlessly joins base tables with their embeddings

This page offers a comprehensive overview of Vectorizer features, demonstrating how it streamlines the process of working with vector embeddings in your database. To quickly try out embeddings using a pre-built Docker developer environment, see the Vectorizer quick start. For a more detailed technical specification, see the Vectorizer API reference.

Let's explore how the Vectorizer can transform your approach to unstructured, textual, data analysis, and semantic search:

Select an embedding provider and set up your API Keys

Vectorizer supports the following vector embedding providers as first-party integrations:

Additionally, through the LiteLLM provider we support:

When using an external embedding service, you need to setup your API keys to access the service. To store several API keys, you give each key a name and reference them in the embedding section of the Vectorizer configuration. The default API key names match the embedding provider's default name.

The default key names are:

Provider Key name

Setting up your API keys is done differently depending on whether you are using Vectorizer in Timescale Cloud or on a self-hosted Postgres server.

  • Timescale Cloud

    1. In Timescale Console > Project Settings, click AI Model API Keys.
    2. Click Add AI Model API Keys, add your key, then click Add API key.

    Your API key is stored securely in Timescale Cloud, not your database.

  • Self-hosted Postgres

    Set an environment variable that is the same as your API key name. For example:

    export OPENAI_API_KEY="Your OpenAI API key"

Define a vectorizer

You can configure the system to automatically generate and update embeddings for a table's data. Let's consider the following example table:

    id        SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,
    title     TEXT,
    authors   TEXT,
    contents  TEXT,
    metadata  JSONB 

To configure the system to embed this data automatically, you can use a SQL query like this:

SELECT ai.create_vectorizer( 
    destination => 'blog_contents_embeddings',
    embedding => ai.embedding_ollama('nomic-embed-text', 768),
    chunking => ai.chunking_recursive_character_text_splitter('contents')

This example uses the nomic-embed-text embedding model hosted on a local Ollama instance. Vectorizer supports other embedding providers, for more details consult the embedding configuration section of the vectorizer API reference.

Additionally, if the contents field is lengthy, it is split into multiple chunks, resulting in several embeddings for a single blog post. Chunking helps ensure that each embedding is semantically coherent, typically representing a single thought or concept. A useful mental model is to think of embedding one paragraph at a time.

However, splitting text into chunks can sometimes lead to losing context. To mitigate this, you can reintroduce context into each chunk. For instance, you might want to repeat the blog post's title in every chunk. This is easily achieved using the formatting parameter, which allows you to inject row data into each chunk:

SELECT ai.create_vectorizer(   
    destination => 'blog_contents_embeddings',
    embedding => ai.embedding_ollama('nomic-embed-text', 768),
    chunking => ai.chunking_recursive_character_text_splitter('contents'),
    formatting => ai.formatting_python_template('$title: $chunk')

This approach ensures that each chunk retains important contextual information, improving the quality and relevance of the embeddings.

On Timescale Cloud, vectorizers are created automatically and scheduled using TimescaleDB background jobs running every five minutes. If you are self-hosting, you need to run the vectorizer-worker manually to create and run the vectorizer.

Query an embedding

The create_vectorizer command generates a view with the same name as the specified destination. This view contains all the embeddings for the blog table. Note that you'll typically have multiple rows in the view for each blog entry, as multiple embeddings are usually generated for each source document.

The view includes all columns from the blog table plus the following additional columns:

Column Type Description
embedding_uuid UUID Unique identifier for the embedding
chunk TEXT The text segment that was embedded
embedding VECTOR The vector representation of the chunk
chunk_seq INT Sequence number of the chunk within the document, starting at 0

To find the closest embeddings to a query, use this canonical SQL query:

   embedding <=> ai.ollama_embed('nomic-embed-text', <query>) as distance
FROM blog_contents_embeddings
ORDER BY distance

The ollama_embed function generates an embedding for the provided string. The <=> operator calculates the distance between the query embedding and each row's embedding vector. This is a simple way to do semantic search.

You can combine this with metadata filters by adding a WHERE clause:

   embedding <=> <query embedding> as distance
FROM blog_contents_embeddings
   metadata->>'department' = 'finance'

This approach works with any column from the blog table. For example, to search by author:

   embedding <=> <query embedding> as distance,
FROM blog_contents_embeddings       
   author = 'Bulgakov'    

Inject context into vectorizer chunks

Formatting allows you to inject additional information into each chunk. This is needed because splitting the text into chunks can lead to losing important context. For instance, you might want to include the authors and title with each chunk. This is achieved using Python template strings, which have access to all columns in the row and a special $chunk variable containing the chunk's text.

You may need to reduce the chunk size to ensure the formatted text fits within token limits. Adjust the chunk_size parameter of the text_splitter accordingly:

SELECT ai.create_vectorizer(
    destination => 'blog_contents_embeddings',
    embedding => ai.embedding_ollama('nomic-embed-text', 768),
    chunking => ai.chunking_recursive_character_text_splitter('contents', chunk_size => 700),
    formatting => ai.formatting_python_template('$title - by $author - $chunk')

The default format string is simply $chunk.

Improve query performance on your Vectorizer

A vector index on the embedding column improves query performance. On Timescale Cloud, a vectorscale index is automatically created after 100,000 rows of vector data are present. This behaviour is configurable, you can also specify other vector index types. The following example uses a HNSW index:

SELECT ai.create_vectorizer(
    destination => 'blog_contents_embeddings',
    embedding => ai.embedding_ollama('nomic-embed-text', 768),
    chunking => ai.chunking_recursive_character_text_splitter('contents', chunk_size => 700),
    formatting => ai.formatting_python_template('$title - by $author - $chunk'),
    indexing => ai.indexing_hnsw(min_rows => 100000, opclass => 'vector_l2_ops')

Note: Indexing relies on a background job that runs periodically, so this feature will not work if scheduling is disabled (which is the default for self-hosted installations).

Control the vectorizer run time

When you use Vectorizer on Timescale Cloud, you use scheduling to control the time when vectorizers run. A scheduled job checks for work to be done and, if so, runs the cloud function to embed the data. By default, scheduling uses TimescaleDB background jobs running every five minutes. Once the table is large enough, scheduling also handles index creation on the embedding column.

When you self-host vectorizer, the vectorizer worker uses a polling mechanism to check whether there is work to be done. Thus, scheduling is not needed and is deactivated by default.

Note: when scheduling is disabled, the index is not created automatically. You need to create it manually.

The embedding storage table

The view is based on a table storing blog embeddings, named blog_contents_embeddings_store. You can query this table directly for potentially more efficient queries. The table structure is as follows:

CREATE TABLE blog_contents_embeddings_store(
    embedding_uuid UUID NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT gen_random_uuid(),     
    id INT,  -- primary key referencing the blog table
    chunk_seq INT NOT NULL, 
    chunk TEXT NOT NULL,
    embedding VECTOR(768) NOT NULL,
    UNIQUE (id, chunk_seq),

Monitor a vectorizer

Since embeddings are created asynchronously, a delay may occur before they become available. Use the vectorizer_status view to monitor the vectorizer's status:

SELECT * FROM ai.vectorizer_status;

Sample output:

id source_table target_table view pending_items
1 public.blog_contents_embeddings_store public.blog_contents_embeddings 1

The pending_items column indicates the number of items still awaiting embedding creation. If the number of pending items exceeds 10,000, we return the maximum value of a bigint (9223372036854775807) instead of exhaustively counting the items. This is done for performance.

Alternately, you can call the ai.vectorizer_queue_pending function to get the count of pending items for a single vectorizer. The exact_count parameter is defaulted to false, but passing true will exhaustively count the exact number of pending items.

select ai.vectorizer_queue_pending(1, exact_count=>true);