minting code for grid v3, using v3 tokenomics
- TFChain is our blockchain has all details about capacity provided by the nodes
- TFChain is used to track uptime
- Zero-OS reports to TFChain
- Additional Auditing Code will be added in v4 (special code generated at runtime verifies) using security primitives on motherboards
- The code in this repo uses the information from the blockchain to calculate the to be minted TFT
- A proof of what needs to be minted and why is created, this gets sent to our guardians
- The guardians need to double check the execution and the minting report (this is like a human check on the process)
- The guardians need to sign, only when consensus achieved the minting as suggested will happen (this allows human to check code)
Its important to understant that our Blockchain tracks the capacity and uptime and is the source for the minting.