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Load your Strava activities into a Postgres instance


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This is a simple set of scripts that allow you to load all of your Strava activities into a Postgres database.

gomes=> select sport_type, count(*) from activities group by sport_type order by count desc;
   sport_type   | count
 Run            |   711
 Ride           |   154
 VirtualRide    |   126
 Swim           |    91
 WeightTraining |    65
 Workout        |    30
 Walk           |    29
 AlpineSki      |    19
 Elliptical     |     8
 Hike           |     7
 Yoga           |     1
 Kayaking       |     1
 StairStepper   |     1
 Windsurf       |     1
 Tennis         |     1
 Rowing         |     1
 Surfing        |     1
(17 rows)

gomes=> \d activities
                             Table "public.activities"
            Column             |       Type       | Collation | Nullable | Default
 resource_state                | double precision |           |          |                    | double precision |           |          |
 athlete.resource_state        | double precision |           |          |
 name                          | text             |           |          |
 distance                      | double precision |           |          |
 moving_time                   | double precision |           |          |
 elapsed_time                  | double precision |           |          |
 total_elevation_gain          | double precision |           |          |
 type                          | text             |           |          |
 sport_type                    | text             |           |          |
 workout_type                  | double precision |           |          |
 id                            | double precision |           | not null |
 start_date                    | text             |           |          |
 start_date_local              | text             |           |          |
 timezone                      | text             |           |          |
 utc_offset                    | double precision |           |          |
 location_city                 | text             |           |          |
 location_state                | text             |           |          |
 location_country              | text             |           |          |
 achievement_count             | double precision |           |          |
 kudos_count                   | double precision |           |          |
 comment_count                 | double precision |           |          |
 athlete_count                 | double precision |           |          |
 photo_count                   | double precision |           |          |                        | text             |           |          |
 map.summary_polyline          | text             |           |          |
 map.resource_state            | double precision |           |          |
 trainer                       | boolean          |           |          |
 commute                       | boolean          |           |          |
 manual                        | boolean          |           |          |
 private                       | boolean          |           |          |
 visibility                    | text             |           |          |
 flagged                       | boolean          |           |          |
 gear_id                       | text             |           |          |
 start_latlng                  | json             |           |          |
 end_latlng                    | json             |           |          |
 average_speed                 | double precision |           |          |
 max_speed                     | double precision |           |          |
 average_cadence               | double precision |           |          |
 average_temp                  | double precision |           |          |
 has_heartrate                 | boolean          |           |          |
 average_heartrate             | double precision |           |          |
 max_heartrate                 | double precision |           |          |
 heartrate_opt_out             | boolean          |           |          |
 display_hide_heartrate_option | boolean          |           |          |
 elev_high                     | double precision |           |          |
 elev_low                      | double precision |           |          |
 upload_id                     | double precision |           |          |
 upload_id_str                 | text             |           |          |
 external_id                   | text             |           |          |
 from_accepted_tag             | boolean          |           |          |
 pr_count                      | double precision |           |          |
 total_photo_count             | double precision |           |          |
 has_kudoed                    | boolean          |           |          |
    "activities_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)

How to use it?

  1. Register a Strava app through
  2. Take note of the Client ID and Client Secret.
  3. Clone this repository.
  4. Install dependencies with bun install.
  5. Set up the STRAVA_CLIENT_ID and STRAVA_CLIENT_SECRET environment variables (e.g., using a .envrc file).
  6. Run bun get-access-token.ts and follow the instructions. Make sure to copy the access token this script outputs at the end:
$ bun get-access-token.ts
Go to URL and authorize application
Once you have authorized, you will be redirected to a 'localhost' address (don't worry if you see a 'This site can’t be reached' message)
✔ Copy the whole URL of the page from the browser and paste it here :  … http://localhost/exchange_token?state=&code=3ef024236b8c48891a23d318b9256fdf571210e8&scope=read,activity:write,activity:read,activity:read_all
Successfully retrieved access token: f6a7d88c02a3429fb62cc9f97fc54fb1cc868912
  1. Spin up a Postgres instance and apply the ./schema.sql file in this repository. This file does not create a database.
  2. Set up a PG_CONNECTION_STRING environment variable that looks like postgres://[user]:[password]@[hostname][:port]/[dbname]
  3. Run bun load-activities.ts <access-token>

(If you've made edits to existing activities and want to force them to get updated, you can run bun load-activities.ts --update-existing <access-token>)

  1. Connect to your Postgres instance, and run select * from <database_name>.activities.

How long does it take?

I have ~1250 activities on my Strava profile. This is how long it takes to update activities:

$ time bun load-activities.ts <access-token>
Page 1 (200 activities found)
Page 2 (200 activities found)
Page 3 (200 activities found)
Page 4 (200 activities found)
Page 5 (200 activities found)
Page 6 (200 activities found)
Page 7 (47 activities found)
bun load-activities.ts 518ccfd5859027a07577302ee8729a7fde462517  146.06s user 54.10s system 84% cpu 3:57.22 total

That's ~4 minutes. And this is how long it will take to load activities for the first time:

$ time bun load-activities.ts <access-token>
Page 1 (200 activities found)
[Activity 1] Inserting brand new activity.
[Activity 2] Inserting brand new activity.
[Activity 3] Inserting brand new activity.
[Activity 4] Inserting brand new activity.
[Activity 5] Inserting brand new activity.
Page 7 (47 activities found)
[Activity 1246] Inserting brand new activity.
[Activity 1247] Inserting brand new activity.
bun load-activities.ts 518ccfd5859027a07577302ee8729a7fde462517  263.20s user 94.43s system 90% cpu 6:33.19 total

That's 6min30secs.


  • This script could be made much faster by accepting a "Last Sync At" parameter that makes it search the Strava API for activities that have only occurred since a certain date.
  • We could merge both the get-access-token.ts and the load-activities.ts scripts for ease of use.
  • This project could be further automated by having a script that automatically starts Postgres in a local Docker container and loads data there.
  • More data besides activities could be collected.
  • We should have more examples in this README of what could be done with Strava data in Postgres
  • This script could allow custom sleeps so it doesn't reach Strava's API limits for users with more data.


Load your Strava activities into a Postgres instance







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