Client application for VaultAPI server
Env vars can either be loaded from any plaintext files.
- ENV_FILE - Plaintext file to read the env vars. Defaults to
- VAULT_SERVER - VaultAPI server URL.
- APIKEY - API key to authenticate the VaultAPI server.
- TRANSMIT_KEY_LENGTH - AES key length for transit encryption. Defaults to
- TRANSIT_TIME_BUCKET - Interval for which the transit epoch should remain constant. Defaults to
- --env_file - Plaintext file to read the env vars. Defaults to
- --cipher - Cipher text to decrypt the secret to a JSON value.
- --table - Name of the table to retrieve the secret from.
- --get-secret - Get the value of a particular secret key.
- --get-secrets - Get the values of multiple keys using a comma separated list.
- --get-table - Get all the secrets stored in a table.
cargo doc --document-private-items --no-deps
rustup component add clippy
cargo clippy --no-deps --fix
© Vignesh Rao
Licensed under the MIT License