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Udpate MezoAllocator test upgrade contract
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nkuba committed Apr 9, 2024
1 parent 7a18bc1 commit 7a0962d
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Showing 2 changed files with 153 additions and 105 deletions.
252 changes: 150 additions & 102 deletions core/contracts/test/upgrades/MezoAllocatorV2.sol
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Expand Up @@ -4,69 +4,107 @@ pragma solidity ^0.8.21;
import {IERC20} from "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/utils/SafeERC20.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts-upgradeable/access/Ownable2StepUpgradeable.sol";
import {ZeroAddress} from "../../utils/Errors.sol";
import "../../stBTC.sol";
import "../../interfaces/IDispatcher.sol";

/// @title IMezoPortal
/// @dev Interface for the Mezo's Portal contract.
interface IMezoPortal {
/// @notice DepositInfo keeps track of the deposit balance and unlock time.
/// Each deposit is tracked separately and associated with a specific
/// token. Some tokens can be deposited but can not be locked - in
/// that case the unlockAt is the block timestamp of when the deposit
/// was created. The same is true for tokens that can be locked but
/// the depositor decided not to lock them.
struct DepositInfo {
uint96 balance;
uint32 unlockAt;

/// @notice Deposit and optionally lock tokens for the given period.
/// @dev Lock period will be normalized to weeks. If non-zero, it must not
/// be shorter than the minimum lock period and must not be longer than
/// the maximum lock period.
/// @param token token address to deposit
/// @param amount amount of tokens to deposit
/// @param lockPeriod lock period in seconds, 0 to not lock the deposit
function deposit(address token, uint96 amount, uint32 lockPeriod) external;

/// @notice Withdraw deposited tokens.
/// Deposited lockable tokens can be withdrawn at any time if
/// there is no lock set on the deposit or the lock period has passed.
/// There is no way to withdraw locked deposit. Tokens that are not
/// lockable can be withdrawn at any time. Deposit can be withdrawn
/// partially.
/// @param token deposited token address
/// @param depositId id of the deposit
/// @param amount amount of the token to be withdrawn from the deposit
function withdraw(address token, uint256 depositId, uint96 amount) external;

/// @notice The number of deposits created. Includes the deposits that
/// were fully withdrawn. This is also the identifier of the most
/// recently created deposit.
function depositCount() external view returns (uint256);

/// @notice Get the balance and unlock time of a given deposit.
/// @param depositor depositor address
/// @param token token address to get the balance
/// @param depositId id of the deposit
function getDeposit(
address depositor,
address token,
uint256 depositId
) external view returns (DepositInfo memory);

/// @dev This is a contract used to test stBTC upgradeability. It is a copy of
/// stBTC contract with some differences marked with `TEST:` comments.
contract MezoAllocatorV2 is Ownable2StepUpgradeable {
/// @notice MezoAllocator routes tBTC to/from MezoPortal.
contract MezoAllocatorV2 is IDispatcher, Ownable2StepUpgradeable {
using SafeERC20 for IERC20;

/// @notice DepositInfo keeps track of the deposit Id, deposit balance,
/// creation time, and unlock time.
struct DepositInfo {
uint256 id;
uint96 balance;
uint32 createdAt;
uint32 unlockAt;

/// Address of the MezoPortal contract.
address public mezoPortal;
/// tBTC token contract.
/// @notice Address of the MezoPortal contract.
IMezoPortal public mezoPortal;
/// @notice tBTC token contract.
IERC20 public tbtc;
/// Contract holding tBTC deposited by stakers.
address public tbtcStorage;

/// @notice Maintainer address which can trigger deposit flow.
address public maintainer;

/// @notice keeps track of the deposit info.
DepositInfo public depositInfo;
/// @notice stBTC token vault contract.
stBTC public stbtc;
/// @notice Keeps track of the addresses that are allowed to trigger deposit
/// allocations.
mapping(address => bool) public isMaintainer;
/// @notice List of maintainers.
address[] public maintainers;
/// @notice keeps track of the latest deposit ID assigned in Mezo Portal.
uint256 public depositId;
/// @notice Keeps track of the total amount of tBTC allocated to MezoPortal.
uint96 public depositBalance;

// TEST: New variable.
uint256 public newVariable;

/// Emitted when tBTC is deposited to MezoPortal.
/// @notice Emitted when tBTC is deposited to MezoPortal.
event DepositAllocated(
uint256 indexed oldDepositId,
uint256 indexed newDepositId,
uint256 amount
uint256 addedAmount,
uint256 newDepositAmount

/// @notice Emitted when the tBTC storage address is updated.
event TbtcStorageUpdated(address indexed tbtcStorage);

/// @notice Emitted when tBTC is withdrawn from MezoPortal.
event DepositWithdrawn(uint256 indexed depositId, uint256 amount);
/// @notice Emitted when the maintainer address is updated.
event MaintainerUpdated(address indexed maintainer);

event MaintainerAdded(address indexed maintainer);
/// @notice Emitted when the maintainer address is updated.
event MaintainerRemoved(address indexed maintainer);
// TEST: New event.
event NewEvent();

/// @notice Reverts if the caller is not an authorized account.
error NotAuthorized();
/// @notice Reverts if the caller is not a maintainer.
error MaintainerNotRegistered();
/// @notice Reverts if the caller is already a maintainer.
error MaintainerAlreadyRegistered();

/// @notice Reverts if the address is 0.
error ZeroAddress();

modifier onlyMaintainerAndOwner() {
if (msg.sender != maintainer && owner() != msg.sender) {
modifier onlyMaintainer() {
if (!isMaintainer[msg.sender]) {
revert NotAuthorized();
Expand All @@ -80,7 +118,11 @@ contract MezoAllocatorV2 is Ownable2StepUpgradeable {
/// @notice Initializes the MezoAllocator contract.
/// @param _mezoPortal Address of the MezoPortal contract.
/// @param _tbtc Address of the tBTC token contract.
function initialize(address _mezoPortal, IERC20 _tbtc) public initializer {
function initialize(
address _mezoPortal,
address _tbtc,
address _stbtc
) public initializer {
// TEST: Removed content of initialize function. Initialize shouldn't be
// called again during the upgrade because of the `initializer`
// modifier.
Expand All @@ -95,88 +137,94 @@ contract MezoAllocatorV2 is Ownable2StepUpgradeable {
/// deposit meaning that the previous Acre's deposit is fully withdrawn
/// before a new deposit with added amount is created. This mimics a
/// "top up" functionality with the difference that a new deposit id
/// is created and the previous deposit id is no longer used.
/// @dev This function can be invoked periodically by a bot.
/// @param amount Amount of tBTC to deposit to Mezo Portal.
function allocate(uint96 amount) external onlyMaintainerAndOwner {
// Free all Acre's tBTC from MezoPortal before creating a new deposit.
// slither-disable-next-line arbitrary-send-erc20
IERC20(tbtc).safeTransferFrom(tbtcStorage, address(this), amount);

// Add freed tBTC from the previous deposit and add the new amount.
uint96 newBalance = depositInfo.balance + amount;
/// is created and the previous deposit id is no longer in use.
/// @dev This function can be invoked periodically by a maintainer.
function allocate() external onlyMaintainer {
if (depositBalance > 0) {
// Free all Acre's tBTC from MezoPortal before creating a new deposit.
// slither-disable-next-line reentrancy-no-eth
mezoPortal.withdraw(address(tbtc), depositId, depositBalance);

IERC20(tbtc).forceApprove(mezoPortal, newBalance);
// 0 denotes no lock period for this deposit. The zero lock time is
// hardcoded as of biz decision.
IMezoPortal(mezoPortal).deposit(address(tbtc), newBalance, 0);
// Fetch unallocated tBTC from stBTC contract.
uint256 addedAmount = tbtc.balanceOf(address(stbtc));
// slither-disable-next-line arbitrary-send-erc20
tbtc.safeTransferFrom(address(stbtc), address(this), addedAmount);

// Create a new deposit in the MezoPortal.
depositBalance = uint96(tbtc.balanceOf(address(this)));
tbtc.forceApprove(address(mezoPortal), depositBalance);
// 0 denotes no lock period for this deposit.
mezoPortal.deposit(address(tbtc), depositBalance, 0);
uint256 oldDepositId = depositId;
// MezoPortal doesn't return depositId, so we have to read depositCounter
// which assignes depositId to the current deposit.
uint256 newDepositId = IMezoPortal(mezoPortal).depositCount();
// slither-disable-next-line reentrancy-benign
uint256 oldDepositId =; = newDepositId;
depositInfo.balance = newBalance;
// solhint-disable-next-line not-rely-on-time
depositInfo.createdAt = uint32(block.timestamp);
// solhint-disable-next-line not-rely-on-time
depositInfo.unlockAt = uint32(block.timestamp);
// which assigns depositId to the current deposit.
depositId = mezoPortal.depositCount();

// slither-disable-next-line reentrancy-events
emit DepositAllocated(oldDepositId, newDepositId, amount);
emit DepositAllocated(

/// @notice Updates the tBTC storage address.
/// @dev At first this is going to be the stBTC contract. Once Acre
/// works with more destinations for tBTC, this will be updated to
/// the new storage contract like AcreDispatcher.
/// @param _tbtcStorage Address of the new tBTC storage.
/// @notice Withdraws tBTC from MezoPortal and transfers it to stBTC.
/// This function can withdraw partial or a full amount of tBTC from
/// MezoPortal for a given deposit id.
/// @param amount Amount of tBTC to withdraw.
function withdraw(uint256 amount) external {
if (msg.sender != address(stbtc)) revert NotAuthorized();

emit DepositWithdrawn(depositId, amount);
mezoPortal.withdraw(address(tbtc), depositId, uint96(amount));
// slither-disable-next-line reentrancy-benign
depositBalance -= uint96(amount);
tbtc.safeTransfer(address(stbtc), amount);

/// @notice Updates the maintainer address.
/// @param maintainerToAdd Address of the new maintainer.
// TEST: Modified function.
function updateTbtcStorage(address _tbtcStorage) external onlyOwner {
if (_tbtcStorage == address(0)) {
function addMaintainer(address maintainerToAdd) external onlyOwner {
if (maintainerToAdd == address(0)) {
revert ZeroAddress();
tbtcStorage = _tbtcStorage;
if (isMaintainer[maintainerToAdd]) {
revert MaintainerAlreadyRegistered();
isMaintainer[maintainerToAdd] = true;

emit TbtcStorageUpdated(_tbtcStorage);
emit MaintainerAdded(maintainerToAdd);

// TEST: Emit new event.
emit NewEvent();

/// @notice Updates the maintainer address.
/// @param _maintainer Address of the new maintainer.
function updateMaintainer(address _maintainer) external onlyOwner {
if (_maintainer == address(0)) {
revert ZeroAddress();
/// @notice Removes the maintainer address.
/// @param maintainerToRemove Address of the maintainer to remove.
function removeMaintainer(address maintainerToRemove) external onlyOwner {
if (!isMaintainer[maintainerToRemove]) {
revert MaintainerNotRegistered();
delete (isMaintainer[maintainerToRemove]);

for (uint256 i = 0; i < maintainers.length; i++) {
if (maintainers[i] == maintainerToRemove) {
maintainers[i] = maintainers[maintainers.length - 1];
// slither-disable-next-line costly-loop
maintainer = _maintainer;

emit MaintainerUpdated(_maintainer);

// TODO: add updatable withdrawer and onlyWithdrawer modifier (stBTC or AcreDispatcher).
/// @notice Withdraws tBTC from MezoPortal and transfers it to stBTC.
function withdraw(uint96 amount) external {
// TODO: Take the last deposit and pull the funds from it (FIFO).
// If not enough funds, take everything from that deposit and
// take the rest from the next deposit id until the amount is
// reached. Delete deposit ids that are empty.
// IMezoPortal(mezoPortal).withdraw(address(tbtc), depositId, amount);
// TODO: update depositsById and deposits data structures.
// IERC20(tbtc).safeTransfer(address(tbtcStorage), amount);
emit MaintainerRemoved(maintainerToRemove);

/// @notice Withdraw all Acre's tBTC from MezoPortal.
function free() private {
if (depositInfo.balance > 0) {
// slither-disable-next-line reentrancy-no-eth
/// @notice Returns the total amount of tBTC allocated to MezoPortal.
function totalAssets() external view returns (uint256 totalAmount) {
return depositBalance;
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions core/test/MezoAllocator.upgrade.test.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -70,17 +70,17 @@ describe("MezoAllocator contract upgrade", () => {
await mezoPortal.getAddress(),
expect(await allocatorV2.tbtc()).to.eq(await tbtc.getAddress())
expect(await allocatorV2.tbtcStorage()).to.eq(await stbtc.getAddress())
expect(await allocatorV2.stbtc()).to.eq(await stbtc.getAddress())

describe("upgraded `updateTbtcStorage` function", () => {
describe("upgraded `addMaintainer` function", () => {
let tx: ContractTransactionResponse

before(async () => {
const newAddress = await ethers.Wallet.createRandom().getAddress()

tx = await allocatorV2.connect(governance).updateTbtcStorage(newAddress)
tx = await allocatorV2.connect(governance).addMaintainer(newAddress)

it("should emit `NewEvent` event", async () => {
Expand Down

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