Welcome to The FOSS Club's ultimate resource pack for beginners in tech! This guide covers various areas of technology, providing curated resources with actual links for each field. Whether you're interested in programming languages, game development, web development, or other tech domains, you'll find valuable learning materials here.
- Programming Languages
- Python
- JavaScript
- Java
- C++
- C
- Go (Golang)
- Game Development
- Godot
- Unity
- Unreal Engine
- Web Development
- Frontend Development
- Backend Development
- DevOps
- Low-Level Programming
- Cybersecurity
- Web3 and Blockchain
- Data Structures and Algorithms
- App Development
- Book: Python Crash Course by Eric Matthes
- Video Course: Python for Everybody Specialization on Coursera
- Interactive Course: Python Programming MOOC 2025 for beginners
- Website: Official Python Documentation
- Project Ideas: Python Projects for Beginners
- Practice: LeetCode Python Challenges
- Book: Eloquent JavaScript by Marijn Haverbeke (free online)
- Video Course: JavaScript - The Complete Guide 2023
- Website: MDN Web Docs - JavaScript
- Project Ideas: 40 JavaScript Projects for Beginners
- Practice: JavaScript30 (30-day JS challenge)
- Book: Head First Java
- Video Course: Java Programming Masterclass
- Website: Oracle Java Tutorials
- Project Ideas: Java Projects for Beginners
- Practice: HackerRank Java Challenges
- Book: ILearn Microservices with Springboot
- Video Course: Engineering Digest
- Website: Spring Documentation
- Project Ideas: 20+ project Ideas
- Practice: Coderpad
- Extra Resource: Cheatsheet
- Book: C++ Primer
- Video Course: Beginning C++ Programming
- Website: Learn C++
- Project Ideas: C++ Projects for Beginners
- Practice: Codeforces C++ Problems
- Book:"Learn C The Hard Way" by Zed A.Shaw(A beginer friendly guide with exercises)
- Video Course: "C Programming Tutorial for Beginners" by freeCodeCamp
- Website: TutorialsPoint C Programming
- Project ideas: C projects by StudyTonight
- Practice: HackerRank C Challenges
- Book: "An introduction to Programming in Go" by Caleb Doxsey ( A begginer friendly book that covers Go basics)
- Video Course: "Learn Go Programming- Golang Tutorial for beginners" by freeCodeCamp
- Website: Tour of Go (Official Go Tour)
- Project Ideas: Golang Projects on GitHub
- Practice: Exercism - Go Track
- Website: Official documentation
- Video Course: Brackeys' Beginner Tutorial
- Text Course: Godot Docs Getting Started
- Practice Projects: 2D Project 3D Project
- Book: Unity in Action
- Video Course: Complete C# Unity Game Developer 2D
- Website: Unity Learn
- Project Ideas: Unity Game Ideas for Beginners
- Practice: Unity Asset Store
- Book: Unreal Engine 5 for Beginners
- Video Course: Unreal Engine 5 C++ Developer
- Website: Unreal Engine Documentation
- Project Ideas: 10 Unreal Engine Game Ideas
- Practice: Unreal Marketplace
Frontend is the part of a website or app that users interact with directly. It consists of:
- HTML (Structure)
- CSS (Styling)
- JavaScript (Interactivity)
- Documentation: W3Schools Web Dev Guide
- Book: Frontend Developer Handbook (free online)
- Video Course: The Web Developer Bootcamp
- Project Ideas: Frontend Mentor
- Practice: CSS Tricks
- Video lecture: HTML Complete Course
- Projects: HTML Projects Playlist
- Video lecture: CSS Complete Course
- Projects: CSS Projects Playlist
- Video lecture: Namaste JavaScript
- Projects: Build 5-10 web applications (ToDo app, Weather API, etc.)
- Documentation: MDN React Guide
- Video lecture: Complete React Course
- Projects: React Projects Playlist
- Documentation: MDN Angular Guide
- Video lecture: Angular Complete Course
- Projects: Angular Projects Playlist
- Documentation: MDN Vue.js Guide
- Video lecture: Vue.js Complete Course
- Projects: Vue.js Projects Playlist
- Book: Node.js Design Patterns
- Video Course: The Complete Node.js Developer Course
- Website: Node.js Documentation
- Project Ideas: Backend Project Ideas
- Practice: Express.js Guide
- Book: The DevOps Handbook
- Video Course: DevOps Essentials
- Website: DevOps Roadmap
- Project Ideas: DevOps Projects
- Practice: Kubernetes Challenges
- Book: Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective
- Video Course: Nand to Tetris
- Website: OS Dev Wiki
- Project Ideas: Low-Level Programming Projects
- Practice: Linux From Scratch
- Book: The Web Application Hacker's Handbook
- Video Course: CompTIA Security+ Certification
- Website: OWASP
- Project Ideas: Cybersecurity Projects for Beginners
- Practice: TryHackMe
- Book: Mastering Ethereum (free on GitHub)
- Video Course: Blockchain Specialization
- Website: Ethereum.org Developers
- Project Ideas: Blockchain Project Ideas
- Practice: Solidity by Example
- Book: Introduction to Algorithms
- Video Course: Algorithms Specialization
- Website: GeeksforGeeks DSA
- Project Ideas: Data Structures and Algorithms Projects
- Practice: LeetCode