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theFox6 edited this page Mar 29, 2020 · 5 revisions

journal modpack wiki



The goal of this mod/modpack is to add some immersion to the singleplayer mode of minetest. One way of doing that is by adding a playable story. Hence journal is a framework for bringing story into the game. The mod adds a notebook to the game. The notebook the players individual journal. Each mod that adds story can add it's own section to the journal. Within that section the actor will write their story. The story given by a mod can progress as the player does certain things that trigger defined conditions. There is also a personal note section which players can use ingame and write own notes into.

using journal

The journal can be accessed through a command and common inventories.
First the list of sections is displayed. When a section is clicked it's contents are displayed. The "personal notes" section also contains a text field, which the player can write own notes into.
When a mod adds a journal entry and a storyline makes progress a banner is shown in the top left corner of the player's HUD. It tells the player to open his journal to see the new entry.
The section that contains new notes will be highlited in the section list. Sections with new entries are colored yellow.
To learn how to create story using the journal mod see adding story

mods within the modpack


The very mod that adds the journal.


A mod that adds triggers which have no proper callbacks in minetest.
They are hacky and might cause trouble.

known story mods

The pirate story.

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