Release 2.0.0
Release notes - EBRAINS2.0 - w2.0
EBR-23 Create a DICOM Widget
EBR-29 tvb-widgets not working in JupyterLab 4
EBR-33 upgrade ipywidgets lib in tvb-widgets
EBR-34 delay in showing changes in control features - 3D Connectivity Widget
EBR-35 Jupyter Lab crashes while running Connectivity notebook
EBR-16 More options to visualize data
EBR-19 Release Connectivity widget with iPyReact
EBR-24 Mirror tvb-* relevant repos under EBRAINS 2.0 gitlab
EBR-26 Update pyunicore to version 1.0.0
EBR-36 change pythreejs backend in pyvista to something not deprecated
EBR-37 Find a way to setup bokeh in EBRAINS lab
EBR-38 Test tvb-widgets with python=3.11
EBR-43 clean sonar warnings - tvb-widgets repo
EBR-48 review external contributions to tvb-widgets
EBR-55 Finalise test and release tvb-widgets 2.0