A complete react form builder that interfaces with a json endpoint to load and save generated forms. The toolbox contains 16 items for gathering data. Everything from star ratings to signature boxes!
var React = require('react');
var FormBuilder = require('react-forms-builder');
<FormBuilder.ReactFormBuilder />,
var items = [{
key: 'Header',
name: 'Header Text',
icon: 'fa fa-header',
static: true,
content: 'Placeholder Text...'
key: 'Paragraph',
name: 'Paragraph',
static: true,
icon: 'fa fa-paragraph',
content: 'Placeholder Text...'
saveUrl='path/to/POST/built/form.json' />
Now that a form is built and saved, let's generate it from the saved json.
var React = require('react');
var FormBuilder = require('react-forms-builder');
task_id={12} // Used to submit a hidden variable with the id to the form from the database.
answer_data={JSON_ANSWERS} // Answer data, only used if loading a pre-existing form with values.
authenticity_token={AUTH_TOKEN} // If using Rails and need an auth token to submit form.
data={JSON_QUESTION_DATA} // Question data
In order to make the form builder look pretty, there are a few dependencies other than React. See the example code in index.html for more details.
- Bootstrap
- FontAwesome
- jQuery
All relevant styles are located in css/application.css.scss.
$ npm install
$ npm start
Then navigate to http://localhost:8080/ in your browser and you should be able to see the form builder in action.