Frontend for Imposter blockchain game
- scaffolding
- join game page
- check supplied contract address configs
- display errors
- join by selecting game from list
- game lobby
- leave game
- player list - updates
- start game
- active game screen
- leave game
- show team membership
- show alive/dead state - updates
- show player stats (total, alive, dead, left - updates)
- action panel - imposters
- fake start task
- fake finish task
- kill player button -> modal
- show list of alive players
- kill action
- action panel - real ones
- show list of completed tasks
- start task -> modal
- show list of incomplete tasks
- start task action
- show task in progress
- finish task action
- call vote -> modal
- show list of alive players
- vote on player
- message box
- show game states
- show anonymized actions
- show player death
- show vote outcome
- win screen