Dark Matter Simulation Code for Underground Scatterings
DaMaSCUS Version 1.1 25/03/2020
For the underlying physics we refer to the paper .
- DaMaSCUS is a MC simulator of dark matter particles as they move through the Earth and scatter on terrestrial nuclei.
- It allows to compute the local distortions of the DM phase space caused by collisions with nuclei.
- The thusly distorted distribution functions and densities are used to give precise estimates of time-dependent signal rates for direct detection experiments and diurnal modulations.
- A full, realistic model of the Earth is implemented as well as the Earth's time-dependent velocity and orientation in the galactic frame.
- DaMaSCUS is written in C++ and fully parallelized (openMPI).
For installation and usage we refer to the documentation.
The code will be updated continuously. Here I list only important updates and major bug fixes
: Release of v1.116.08.2017
: Release of v1.0.2: Re-structuring of the folder structure and new documentation.15.06.2017
: Release of v1.0.1: major bug fix concerning mostly very high cross-sections.06.06.2017
: Release of v1.0
If you decide to use this code, please cite
Emken, T. & Kouvaris, C., 2017, DaMaSCUS, Astrophysics Source Code Library, record [ascl:1706.003]
as well as the original publication,
Emken, T. & Kouvaris, C., DaMaSCUS: The Impact of Underground Scatterings on Direct Detection of Light Dark Matter, ,
In addition, version 1.1 of the code is archived under
The authors of DaMaSCUS are Timon Emken and Chris Kouvaris.
For questions, bug reports or other suggestions please contact Timon Emken ([email protected]).
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file.