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The project focuses on creating a cross platform, highly customized rendering engine which includes a front end editor for scene rendering and game development. Technologies used include OpenGL and Golang in the rendering engine and WebGL, Javascript and Electron in the editor. The editor provides scene management as well as a scripting API for controlling the scene which passes data to the engine to then be run in the rendering engine.

Related Works and Motivation


Much of the overall editor design used in the project was inspired a lot by Unity. Offering a pane for scene objects, a pane for object specific values and then a large rendering window was very helpful. Unity focuses on attaching scripts to objects and having them inherit properties using an object oriented approach.


Three.js is a web framework that uses WebGL and abstracts away much of the difficulties of working with graphics in the browser. After using Three.js, I felt that the way it used classes to categorize primitive types (squares, planes, etc.) worked really well and so I followed the same paradigm in the engine and the editor.

Godot Engine

Godot is an open source game engine that focuses mostly on 2D rendering applications and does a good job of them. The engine focuses on a hierarchical scheme for organizing scenes and objects with parents passing properties to children and so on. For the purpose of handling transforms, texturing and organization I chose to follow this idea and organize my scene using parent and children type relationships.


Having taken CMPT 370 and learning more about graphics in WebGL, I became interested in how a rendering engine written in a compiled language would perform. Golang was of interest as it handles concurrency and cross platform compilation quite nicely. The editor was something I originally wanted to write in Golang as well but since I already had done work on a WebGL engine in the browser I decided to build on top of that work and create a desktop version using Electron.


[[fig:1]]{#fig:1 label="fig:1"}System Architecture

As seen in figure 1, the overall system works by sharing data between the editor and the engine. The editor passes scene related data which contains definitions for properties of objects in the scene including transforms, materials and hierarchy. Included in the scene data is information on lighting, scene and camera settings. The editor also passes information to the engine in the form of Golang code which accesses an internal API written in the engine which allows the code to gain access to objects in the scene and their properties. The libraries used for the editor are Electron and gl-matrix, the latter being used for matrix and vector operations.

The editor as described before is run in Electron and WebGL which both use JavaScript. JavaScript is a loosely typed interpreted scripting language used mostly for web development. The benefits of such a language is that data can be passed around very easily without declaring types or strict rules for each data type. The disadvantages to such a language is that by not having strict types, errors can occur and can be quite difficult to debug. JavaScript interacts with the WebGL API to provide it with attributes, buffers and uniform values. These updates are done very easily with WebGL and I found that there was ample documentation for it online.

The rendering engine runs on Golang, a young, strictly typed, compiled language created by Google. I chose Go for a couple of reasons including the fact that there weren't many projects that used it and did graphics rendering and because of Go's concurrency model which makes it quite easy using 'goroutines'. Similar to the editor, the engine passes attribute, buffer and uniform values to the OpenGL API. Performing the OpenGL operations in the engine proved to be somewhat difficult as the documentation for OpenGL in Go is not very extensive and doesn't show many examples on sample use. In addition, because the engine needs to render different types of objects in similar ways I decided to use an object oriented approach where the engine could call similar methods on 'classes' for rendering purposes. Since Go is not technically an object oriented language this took a little bit of figuring where I used interfaces and structs to accomplish similar things.

[[fig:2]]{#fig:2 label="fig:2"}OpenGL Pipeline

In order for OpenGL and WebGL to both work they require shader programs to be written for them in GLSL (OpenGL Shader Language). The language is a high level shader language with syntax very similar to the C programming language with the exception of built-in matrix and vector operations. The shaders can have input variables, uniform variables and output variables. The usual setup is to have a vertex shader program then output values which are handled in the fragment shader program which then displays the output in the form of pixels to the screen. The uniforms and attributes listed in the programs require those values to be updated and set by the programming language that is controlling these programs so in my case Go and JS. The order in which the programs run and values are provided to the shader programs is visualized in figure 2, the engine and editor both follow the same order and run their respective shader programs based off the same design. It is worth noting that there are many ways to load shader programs my editor loads the shader programs in the form of JSON stored strings and the engine loads its shaders in the form of structs that contain string fields.


In this section I will provide an overview of the theory used in the development of the engine for each feature.

Basic 3D Rendering

The basics of rendering a scene in 3D for my engine required the setup of a vertex shader, a fragment shader and the object to be rendered. The object contains information including the positions, normals, and tangents of each vertex for the object. This information is passed to the shader programs in the form of array buffers per vertex. Included with these values are object specific values for their materials to be rendered.

In the vertex shader we perform projection to take our 3D scene and project it for viewing on our 2D screen. We use a commonly referred to operation called the MVP matrix. $$M * V * P$$ M refers to the model matrix which contains the transformations for the specific object being rendered. V refers to the view matrix which is constructed for the camera or viewing of the scene. The P refers to the projection matrix which represents the projection of the scene, there are two usual ways of doing this: orthographic and perspective. In the case of my engine and editor, I chose to use a perspective projection.


For the purpose of efficiency, the engine relies on many different types of shader programs to perform different types of shading, however for the purpose of the paper I will encapsulate the basics of them all here.

The shaders rely on the Blinn-Phong lighting model with some changes depending on whether the object in question contains textures to be rendered, reflection or refraction. Each object to be rendered contains a material that details the ambient, diffuse and specular colour for the object as-well as the shininess value, and any textures to be rendered. $\text{Ambient: }A = Ka * Lk$
$\text{Diffuse: }D = Kd * Lk * (N • L)$
$\text{Specular: }S = Ks * Lk * (N • (V + L))^n$
$\text{Overall: }A * D * S$
This formula is used for every light in the scene to calculate a total shading value. It is worth noting that in the case of my shader programs the following code caused issues with multiple lights. The issues included inconsistent colours being cast by each light, sometimes certain lights not being rendered or shaded at all.

for (int i = 0; i < numLights; i++) {
    vec3 lightDirection = normalize(lights[i].position - oFragPosition);
    vec3 ambient = ambientValue * lights[i].colour;
    float NdotL = max(dot(oNormal, lightDirection), 1.0);
    vec3 diffuse = (diffuseValue * lights[i].colour) * NdotL;
    float NDotH = max(dot(oNormal, H), 0.0);
    float NHPow = pow(NDotH, nVal);
    vec3 specular = (specularVal * lights[i].colour) * NHPow;
    vec4 fragColour = vec4(ambient * diffuse * specular, 1.0);
    result += fragColour;

The problems that occured with that code was solved by creating functions to do essentially the same math but calling them inside the iteration similar to the following.

vec4 CalcLighting(light Pointlight) {
    vec3 lightDirection = normalize(light.position - oFragPosition);
    vec3 ambient = ambientValue * light.colour;
    float NdotL = max(dot(oNormal, lightDirection), 1.0);
    vec3 diffuse = (diffuseValue * light.colour) * NdotL;
    float NDotH = max(dot(oNormal, H), 0.0);
    float NHPow = pow(NDotH, nVal);
    vec3 specular = (specularVal * light.colour) * NHPow;
    vec4 fragColour = vec4(ambient * diffuse * specular, 1.0);
    return fragColour;

for (int i = 0; i < numLights; i++) {
    result += CalcLighting(lights[i]);

Mesh & Material Loading

mtllib alien.mtl
o alien
v 0.066307 -0.710018 0.485289
v 0.108720 -0.575360 0.535121
vn -0.4646 0.6778 0.5698
vn -0.4060 0.7724 0.4883
f 15917//15916 11954//11953 15918//15917
f 22936//22935 66340//66336 41829//41827\

As part of the different objects that are able to be rendered by the engine, I wanted to include complex 3D meshes. I first attempted to use a C library called Assimp for loading mesh information which was fast but I often ended up with broken models and incomplete vertex data. I ended up writing my own parser that uses regular expressions to gather information on each mesh object and its corresponding material values. More complex meshes contain definitions and values for multiple objects, to account for this I created a master vertex list and indexes into it for each material so that each child object has the correct material associated with it. I found that although my own parser was tedious to write and loads meshes much slower than Assimp did, the accuracy of my mesh loader out performed assimp and so I stuck with it.

newmtl DefaultOBJ
Ns 225.000000
Ka 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
Kd 0.800000 0.800000 0.800000
Ks 0.500000 0.500000 0.500000
d 1.000000
illum 2
map_Kd Dish.jpg
map_Bump DishNormal.jpg\

The mesh loader currently supports obj files only and these files come with a material file or .mtl file. These files as seen above contain information (in order) of the material name, shininess, ambient, diffuse, specular, alpha, illumination model, diffuse texture and normal/bump texture. It's important to note that different materials can contain more or less information than that listed above. I wrote a simple parser to look for these values and apply them to the indices I calculate above when loading a mesh in.


The main type of shadows present in the engine are that of point-light shadows which cast shadows in all directions. In order for this to work, the engine has an array of all point-lights present in the scene and before rendering any colours we render the scene's depth to a 3D texture and store that with the point-light. When the coloured objects are then rendered, we have the information of these textures stored with the point-lights and compare the depth from the current pixel to the light in question against the depth of the initial depth render from this light to determine if the pixel should be in shadow or not.

[[fig:1]]{#fig:1 label="fig:1"}+X Direction Depth

[[fig:2]]{#fig:2 label="fig:2"}-X Direction Depth

It's important to note that the performance of multiple lights constantly rendering depth to each texture is quite costly and as such I made improvements by not re-rendering certain depths if lights had not moved or objects had not moved into their sphere of influence. This technique can be done by rendering depth using the typical vertex and fragment shader, however my solution sped things up and simplified things by writing a geometry shader and completing the six directional render writes in the geometry shader instead of having to iterate six times.

Reflection & Refraction

[[fig:2]]{#fig:2 label="fig:2"}Reflection & Refraction

The technique I used for simple reflections and refraction uses a cube-map texture. A cube-map is a 3D texture created by six different 2D textures to give the illusion of a sky-box like surrounding. The scene is rendered as normal, and at the end the scene is then rendered with the cube-map as a background that is infinitely far away. The objects in the scene can access the colours of the cube-map very efficiently in comparison to something like ray tracing. We can then reflect or refract the color of the cube-map depending on what the object is specified to do. Each object would have a specific reflection mode attached to the material (0 - don't reflect, 1 - reflect and 2 - refract) and also a refraction index value if the object were of the refraction type.

System Details


In order to make the editing and running experience as pleasant as possible several efficiencies were put in place by me to enable low CPU/GPU usage while using the application to make nice looking graphics.

Frustum Culling

I used the idea of frustum culling to speed up the overall render speed and lower the system resources being used by both the editor and the engine. The basic idea of this is to not render anything that the camera (or viewing frustum) cannot see.

[[fig:1]]{#fig:1 label="fig:1"}Example Viewing Frustum

The planes of the frustum are then used in a dot product with the object in question to determine whether or not the object is inside the plane or outside the plane. If the object is within the planes then we render it, otherwise we return early and do not render the object. This technique has an upfront cost to perform this check but overall I found it to be more efficient than simply rendering every object without checking.

Lazy Rendering

When developing the editor I was using my small laptop without a graphics card and ran into the case of where the editor simply took up too many system resources to keep open for too long. To solve this problem I came up with the idea of lazy rendering. Essentially we do not render objects or re-render our canvas unless something has changed in the scene (ie. adding an object, transforming an object, light changes, camera movement). This resulted in a low footprint editor that ran nice and smooth on all my devices.

Mesh Caching

As the engine started to be able to load meshes I experimented with more and more complex meshes to see how it would perform. As the complexity of meshes increase so does the amount of time it takes to load larger and larger obj files. As a result if I loaded in a large mesh it would take considerable time to reload the same scene if I made any changes to it. I decided to take the mesh details including the vertices, normals and other data and compress it then save it in a binary format. If an object were to be loaded in, it would check for a cached version of itself first and load from there instead of the obj file. This sped up loading complex meshes considerably but also comes at the cost of disk space and a slower loading speed the first time through as it needs to write the compressed file.


The engine system has error messages and tests in place so that in the event of an error the editor will catch it and display the error for the user without crashing the entire system. In addition to this I found that using a program called RenderDoc was highly helpful as it would provide detailed information on the values your program was currently running in the OpenGL pipeline.


As part of the internal scene API that I was developing for the engine, I also included the creation and handling of bounding box collisions. Included in this was the ability to add on-collision event listeners to objects as-well as transformations of the bounding boxes so as the object moved so did the box for its collisions.



[[fig:1]]{#fig:1 label="fig:1"}Scene Editor

[[fig:1]]{#fig:1 label="fig:1"}Code Editor

[[fig:1]]{#fig:1 label="fig:1"}Engine Compile & Execution

The end result of the editor included a desktop application where I could easily adjust the current scene and its objects, add code that interacted with the engine and compile & execute the engine all from that application.


[[fig:1]]{#fig:1 label="fig:1"}Multiple meshes with shadows

[[fig:1]]{#fig:1 label="fig:1"}Sky-box above mesh

[[fig:1]]{#fig:1 label="fig:1"}Looking down on mesh with single point-light

[[fig:1]]{#fig:1 label="fig:1"}Reflective mesh, textured primitives and shadows

Resources & Acknowledgements



Dana Cobzas, Supervisor
Jon Coulson, Technical Support
Andrew Whittle, Helpful graphics resource


OpenGL Engine/Tool built in Golang







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