This repository analyzes elimination tournaments in Wikipedia, and is the source for a forthcoming paper. If you're not as programmatically inclined, you can use a GUI with JavaScript
I've tried to be consistent on how to handle renaming and merging,
but may not have entirely succeeded.
It's also possible that a .txt file was downloaded
under slightly different conditions in tourneys.json
From start to finish, python
takes about 30 (wild guess) minutes.
But it saves its results along the way,
so if you get bored you can interrupt and restart the process.
You can also do this if Pywikibot's throttling starts to become too onerous.
The documentation of the Python and Javascript files can be generated by
pdoc -o docs *.py
and jsdoc -c jsdoc.conf.json
, respectively.
There are a large number of files created along the way that are .gitignored:
- {group}/{tournament}/{year}.txt: the content of that year's entry in Wikipedia
- {group}/{tournament}/None.txt: same as above, but all the tournaments are on one page
- [group/[tournament/]]state.csv Each (normalized) university and its state
- [group/[tournament/]]winloss.csv The matrix of counts of seed defeating seed
- {group}/{tournament}/winlossplot.tex
- {group}/{tournament}/winlossprobs.tex
Reseeding files:
- [group/[tournament/]]reseed.csv How much each university should be reseeded
- [group/]reseed_filtered.csv Same as reseed, but trimmed down so that points unplotted by TeX don't appear (it had trouble with the file size)
- [group/]reseed_approx.csv Same as reseed, but a linear approximation of its components
- [group/[tournament/]]state_reseed.csv Same as reseed, but grouped by state
- [group/[tournament/]]tz_reseed.csv Same as reseed, but grouped by timezone