Create ANSI-screen codes for FoxPro DOS startup screens: fill in that long pause while FoxPro/DOS starts up and loads its runtime with a colorful animated splash screen. Build the screen using FPDs @... SAY, @... BOX and other drawing commands, including color and blink, save the screen to a memory variable and then a MEM file, and then use MakeANSI.PRG to convert it into a colorful animated splash screen for use during startup.
Complete documentation at Originally published as "Snappy ANSI Startup Screens" in the October 1992 edition of "FoxTalk" published by Pinnacle Publishing. Reproduced with permission.
- MAKEANSI.PRG: the main program, run from within FPD
- MAKEANSI.BAT: sample batch file demonstrating the feature, run from DOS
- MKANSISC.PRG: the one-shot program that drew the splash screen
- MAKEANSI.MEM: the memory file containing the mScreen screen variable
- MAKEANSI.SCR: the ANSI text file generated by the PRG from the .MEM file