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depscop - Dependency Analyzer

depscop is a Rust-based command-line tool designed to analyze dependencies in software projects. While it primarily focuses on C# projects, analyzing both project references (*.csproj) and namespace dependencies, it's designed to be extensible to other languages and dependency types.


  • Multiple Analysis Types:
    • C# Project Dependencies (*.csproj files)
    • C# Namespace Dependencies
    • (Future support planned for JavaScript folder dependencies)
  • Flexible Configuration:
    • Layer-based architecture validation
    • Customizable color schemes
    • Configurable dependency rules
    • Pattern-based project/namespace recognition (regex or wildcard)
  • Visualization Options:
    • Interactive D3.js graphs
    • Mermaid diagrams
    • Graphviz diagrams
    • HTML output with pan and zoom capabilities
  • Analysis Tools:
    • Dependency cycle detection
    • Valid/invalid dependency highlighting
    • Layer rule validation
  • Cross-Platform: Works on Windows, macOS, and Linux

Installation from Source Code

To install depscop, you need Rust's package manager, Cargo. You can install Rust and Cargo via rustup:

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh

Once Rust is installed, you can clone this repository and build the tool locally:

git clone
cd deps-cop
cargo build --release

The executable will be available in ./target/release/.


Basic Commands

# Analyze C# project dependencies
./depscop --folder ./src --analysis csharp:projects --list

# Analyze C# namespace dependencies
./depscop --folder ./src --analysis csharp:namespaces --output graphviz

# Generate interactive visualization
./depscop --folder ./src --output d3 --output-html dependencies.html

# Check for circular dependencies
./depscop --folder ./src --detect-cycles

# Generate default configuration
./depscop --generate-config csharp,javascript

Configuration File (depscoprc.json)

The tool uses a configuration file to customize its behavior. Generate a default one using:

./depscop --generate-config csharp

Example configuration:

  "global": {
    "layers": ["core", "io", "usecase"],
    "colors": {
      "core": "#FBFDB8",
      "io": "#A7D7FD",
      "usecase": "#FEA29C"
    "rules": {
      "core": ["core"],
      "io": ["core", "io", "usecase"],
      "usecase": ["core", "usecase"]
    "toggles": {
      "show_valid_dependencies": true,
      "show_invalid_dependencies": true,
      "show_recognized_nodes": true,
      "show_unrecognized_nodes": true
  "csharp": {
    "pattern": "regex",
    "case_sensitive": true,
    "exclude": {
      "folders": ["bin", "obj"],
      "projects": [],
      "namespaces": [],
      "files": []
    "projects": {
      "core": ".*\\.Entities.*\\.csproj$",
      "io": ".*\\.IO.*\\.csproj$",
      "usecase": ".*\\.UseCases.*\\.csproj$"
    "namespaces": {
      "core": ".*\\.Entities(\\..*)?$",
      "io": ".*\\.IO(\\..*)?$",
      "usecase": ".*\\.UseCases(\\..*)?$"

Advanced Examples

# Generate HTML visualization with Graphviz
./depscop --folder ./src --output graphviz --output-html deps.html

# Analyze namespaces and detect cycles
./depscop --folder ./src --analysis csharp:namespaces --detect-cycles

# List projects with detailed dependency information
./depscop --folder ./src --analysis csharp:projects --list

# Generate interactive D3 visualization
./depscop --folder ./src --output d3 --output-html interactive.html


  • --folder <PATH>: Specifies the root directory to search for project files.
  • --list: Lists all detected projects.
  • --output <FORMAT>: Selects the output format (d3, mermaid, or graphviz) for the dependency graph.
  • --output-html <PATH>: Generates an HTML file at the specified path containing the visualized dependency graph. Requires --output.
  • --detect-cycles: Checks and reports if there are any circular dependencies.
  • --analysis <TYPE>: Specifies the analysis type (default: csharp:projects). Options include csharp:projects and csharp:namespaces.
  • --generate-config <LANGUAGES>: Generates the default configuration file for the specified languages (comma-separated, e.g., csharp,javascript).


Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit pull requests, create issues for bugs and feature requests, and provide feedback to improve the tool.


depscop is distributed under the Apache 2.0 License. See LICENSE in the repository for more information.


For more details, contact the maintainer at Enrique.


No description, website, or topics provided.



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