Your companion for practice and enhance java coding skills.
Use Latest jdk/libraries
Follow Standard Practices
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- Jacoco
Day 1
- What is java?
- Why Java?
- What is Javac?
- What is java command?
- What is jdk?
- What is byte code?
- What is JVM?
- What is the latest version of java?
- What type of language is java?
- Why java platform independent?
- What is IDE?
- What is version control & GIT?
- Hwo to create account in github?
- How to clone a project from github?
- How to open a project in intellij?
- How to run a java program in intellij?
- Write a simple hello world program
Day 2
- Install git from intellij
- Clone java-ref from intellij
- Run a java program
- Create a program for Arithmetic operations
- Create a class for Car with attributes and methods
- Create multiple objects of Car and test
- Create a class for Vehicle and inherit in car
- create a class for Bike and make it subclass for Vehicle
- Make Vehicle as interface class and test car and bike
- Make Vehicle as abstract and test car and bike
- Override a super class method in car
- Overload a method in bike
- OOPS concepts 13. Object 14. Class 15. Encapsulation 16. Inheritance 17. Polimorphism 18. Abstraction