Initial experiments with S2I; see ot4i-ace-docker also
s2i build -e LICENSE=accept ace-s2i-builder-image --runtime-image ace-s2i-runtime-image --runtime-artifact /tmp/ace-server ace-sample-s2i-image
Images from which in turn depend on ace-full and ace-minimal in the peer directories in that repo.
Using the "oc new-app" tool doesn't work properly, as it insists on using the builder image (3GB) instead of switching to the runtime image (400MB). There are also some issues with setting LICENSE=accept, but those can be worked around. Assuming a registry at my.registry:5000 with the images from ace-docker from above, the command would look like this:
oc new-app -e LICENSE=accept my.registry:5000/ace-s2i-builder-image2~ -e LICENSE=accept