Gradle plugin to manage AWS resouces.
- S3
- Create bucket
- Delete bucket
- Upload object(s)
- Delete object(s)
- File sync
- EC2
- Run instance
- Start instance
- Stop instance
- Terminate instance
- Import key
- Authorize security group ingress permissions
- Authorize security group egress permissions
- Revoke security group ingress permissions
- Revoke security group egress permissions
- Wait instance for specific status
- Create DB instance
- Delete DB instance
- Modify DB instance
- Migrate (create or modify) DB instance
- Reboot DB instance
- Wait DB instance for specific status
- Route53
- Create hosted zone
- Delete hosted zone
- Change record set
- Elastic Beanstalk
- Create or delete applications
- Create or terminate environments
- Create or delete configuration templates
- Create or delete application versions
- Wait environment for specific status
- CloudFormation
- Migrate (create or update) stack
- Delete stack
- Wait stack for specific status
- Lambda
- Create function
- Update function code
- Update function configuration
- Migrate (create or update) function
- Invoke function
- Delete function
- Create role
- Attach role policy
- (TBD)
- Java 8+
- Gradle 2.4+
Add like this to your build.gradle :
buildscript {
repositories {
maven { url "" }
dependencies {
classpath ""
apply plugin: ''
aws {
profileName = 'credentials-profile-name-in-your-profile-configuration-file (~/.aws/credentials)'
region = 'ap-northeast-1'
These credentials are used to make API accesses by default. The format of the credentials file is described in the Amazon AWS Docs.
apply plugin: ''
task syncObjects(type: {
bucketName ''
source file('path/to/objects')
Look S3 example 1 and S3 example 2 for more information.
apply plugin: ''
// You can overwrite default credentials and region settings like this:
// ec2 {
// profileName 'another-credentials-profile-name' // optional
// region = 'us-east-1'
// }
task stopBastion(type: {
instanceIds += 'i-12345678'
task startBastion(type: {
instanceIds += 'i-12345678'
Look EC2 example for more information.
apply plugin: ""
// You can overwrite default credentials and region settings like this:
// rds {
// profileName 'another-credentials-profile-name' // optional
// region = 'us-east-1'
// }
task migrateDBInstance(type: AmazonRDSMigrateDBInstanceTask) {
dbInstanceIdentifier = "foobar"
allocatedStorage = 5
dbInstanceClass = "db.t2.micro"
engine = "MySQL"
masterUsername = "root"
masterUserPassword = "passW0rd"
vpcSecurityGroupIds = [ "sg-d3958fbf" ]
dbSubnetGroupName = "default"
multiAZ = false
publiclyAccessible = true
task rebootDBInstance(type: AmazonRDSRebootDBInstanceTask) {
dbInstanceIdentifier = "foobar"
task deleteDBInstance(type: AmazonRDSDeleteDBInstanceTask) {
dbInstanceIdentifier = "foobar"
skipFinalSnapshot = true
Look RDS example for more information.
apply plugin: ''
ask createHostedZone(type: {
hostedZoneName ""
callerReference '0BF44985-9D79-BF3B-A9B0-5AE24D6E86E1'
task deleteHostedZone(type: {
hostedZoneId "XXXX"
Look Route 53 example for more information.
apply plugin: ''
beanstalk {
String extension = project.war.archiveName.tokenize('.').last()
String timestamp = new Date().format("yyyyMMdd'_'HHmmss", TimeZone.default)
appName 'foobar'
appDesc 'foobar demo application'
version {
label = "foobar-${project.war.version}-${timestamp}"
description = "${artifactId} v${version}"
bucket = 'sample-bucket'
key = "eb-apps/foobar-${project.war.version}-${timestamp}.${extension}"
configurationTemplates {
production {
optionSettings = file('src/main/config/production.json')
solutionStackName = '64bit Amazon Linux 2013.09 running Tomcat 7 Java 7'
development {
optionSettings = file('src/main/config/development.json')
solutionStackName = '64bit Amazon Linux 2013.09 running Tomcat 7 Java 7'
environment {
envName = 'foobar'
envDesc = 'foobar demo application development environemnt'
templateName = 'development'
versionLabel = "foobar-${project.war.version}-${timestamp}"
// task awsEbMigrateEnvironment, awsEbDeleteApplication and so on are declared
Look Elastic Beanstalk example for more information.
apply plugin: ''
cloudFormation {
stackName 'foobar-stack'
Foo: 'bar',
Baz: 'qux'
capabilityIam true
templateFile project.file("foobar.template")
templateBucket 'example-bucket'
templateKeyPrefix 'foobar/'
// awsCfnMigrateStack and awsCfnDeleteStack task (and so on) is declared.
Look CloudFormation example for more information.
apply plugin: "base"
apply plugin: ""
aws {
profileName = "default"
region = "ap-northeast-1"
lambda {
region = "us-east-1"
task zip(type: Zip) {
from "function/"
destinationDir file("build")
task migrateFunction(type: AWSLambdaMigrateFunctionTask, dependsOn: zip) {
functionName = "foobar"
role = "arn:aws:iam::${aws.accountId}:role/lambda-poweruser"
zipFile = zip.archivePath
handler = "DecodeBase64.handler"
task invokeFunction(type: AWSLambdaInvokeTask) {
functionName = "foobar"
invocationType = InvocationType.RequestResponse
payload = file("sample-input/input.txt")
doLast {
println "Lambda function result: " + new String(invokeResult.payload.array(), "UTF-8")
task deleteFunction(type: AWSLambdaDeleteFunctionTask) {
functionName = "foobar"
Look Lambda example for more information.
Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Classmethod, Inc.
Distributed under the Apache License v2.0. See the file copyright/LICENSE.txt.
We will open for contributions.
To contribute to the plugin or make your own modifications, including the ability to publish your build artifacts to your own maven repository see: development.