The ros2_websocket_proxy
package provides a bridge between ROS 2 topics and WebSocket connections. It allows ROS 2 nodes to publish and subscribe to topics over WebSocket, enabling communication with web clients or other ROS 2 networks. This package includes two main components: a generic subscriber client and a generic publisher server.
- Generic Subscription: The subscriber client can listen to any ROS 2 topic specified in a YAML configuration file.
- Generic Publishing: The publisher server can publish messages to any ROS 2 topic, also specified in a YAML configuration file.
- WebSocket Support: Facilitates communication over WebSocket, making it suitable for web applications or real-time data streaming.
- Dynamic Configuration: Users can specify topics and types in a YAML file, allowing for flexible configuration without modifying code.
To install the ros2_websocket_proxy
package, clone the repository and build it within your ROS 2 workspace:
cd ~/ros2_ws/src
git clone
cd ~/ros2_ws
colcon build
The package uses a YAML file to specify the topics for subscription and publication. The YAML file should be placed in the config
folder of the package. The file format should look like this:
- name: "/test"
type: "std_msgs/msg/Float64"
- name: "/another_topic"
type: "sensor_msgs/msg/Image"
To run the generic subscriber client, use the following command:
ros2 run ros2_websocket_proxy generic_client --ros-args -p yaml_file:=<path_to_yaml_file> -p ws_url:=<websocket_url>
To run the generic publisher server, use the following command:
ros2 run ros2_websocket_proxy generic_server --ros-args -p yaml_file:=<path_to_yaml_file>
You can also use a launch file to start the nodes with specified parameters. Here's an example launch file:
import launch
from launch import LaunchDescription
from launch.actions import DeclareLaunchArgument
from launch.substitutions import LaunchConfiguration
from launch_ros.actions import Node
def generate_launch_description():
return LaunchDescription([
DeclareLaunchArgument('yaml_file', default_value='client_topics.yaml', description='Path to the YAML file'),
DeclareLaunchArgument('ws_url', default_value='ws://localhost:9090', description='WebSocket server URL'),
'yaml_file': LaunchConfiguration('yaml_file'),
'ws_url': LaunchConfiguration('ws_url'),
import launch
from launch import LaunchDescription
from launch.actions import DeclareLaunchArgument
from launch.substitutions import LaunchConfiguration
from launch_ros.actions import Node
def generate_launch_description():
return LaunchDescription([
DeclareLaunchArgument('yaml_file', default_value='server_topics.yaml', description='Path to the YAML file'),
DeclareLaunchArgument('port', default_value='9090', description='WebSocket server port'),
'yaml_file': LaunchConfiguration('yaml_file'),
'port': LaunchConfiguration('port'),