- IPtables Guide
- How to secure nginx with Let's encrypt
- Делаем nginx как front-end к apache
- Я построю свой почтовый сервер с Postfix и Dovecot
- A Mailserver on Ubuntu 14.04: Postfix, Dovecot, MySQL
- Dovecot /postfix with Roundcube WebUI on centOS
- iRedMail + Nginx
- iRedAdmin nginx without subdomain
- Installing iRedmail in Ubuntu With Nginx
- Идеальный сервер - Ubuntu 12.04 с Nginx (ISPConfig 3)
- Iredmail on Ubuntu tutorial
- How To Securely Configure a Production MongoDB Server (DigitalOcean)
- How To Set Up Time Synchronization on Ubuntu 12.04 (DigitalOcean)
- Additional Recommended Steps for New Ubuntu 14.04 Servers (DigitalOcean)
- How do I fix my LOCALE issue?
- GIT HowTo
- The entire Pro Git book, written by Scott Chacon
- Try Git(Hub)
- Git pocket guide
- How To Set Up Automatic Deployment with Git with a VPS
- Change "origin" of your GIT repository
- how to check row author: git blame
- Regex handle diacritics
- Jira issue filter contain text with partial words
- Как создавать игры: 8 книг по геймдизайну
- Программирование классами в веб-приложениях
- WebSite about web development
- 200 блогов по разработке и проектированию
- Auto-formatting JavaScript Code Style
- regExp cheat sheet
- MEAN Stack is a framework for an easy starting point with MongoDB, Node.js, Express, and AngularJS based applications.
- Рефакторинг
- Refactoring Tales
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- wwwhere is a curated list of tools and resources for people who make websites.
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- VIM learning
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- How to Find or Validate an Email Address
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- The Correct Way to Import Lodash Libraries - A Benchmark
- How to check bundle contents size
- Understanding passport.js authentication flow
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- Authentication in Node anda React Applications, Part 1: Creating Components
- How to use babel for production
- Processing an array of promises sequentially in node.js
- Specifics of npm's package.json handling
- NodeBB - Opensource forum on nodejs
- koa - next generation web framework for node.js
- Getting started with hapi
- Node.js для начинающих
- Шпаргалка по пакетному менеджеру NPM
- Node.js quick file server (static files over HTTP)
- How To Implement Password Reset In Node.js
- node-mailchimp
- Apostrophe is a content management system that helps you stay on mission.
- Buckets is an Open Source CMS built on Node.js and MongoDB.
- Art of node
- Streams handbook
- Webpack visualizing
- MongoDB: How to backup and restore databases
- Data Model Examples and Patterns
- MongoDB relationships: embed or reference? 5 things to consider
- Database References
- MongoDB - шпаргалка
- Начало работы с MongoDB, часть 1
- Руководсвто по MongoDB для стартапов
- The Little MongoDB Book (Маленькая книга о MongoDB)
- MongoDB Для Начинающих: Введение и Установка
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- Первый опыт установки и использования MongoDb
- Шпаргалки по MongoDB
- Особенности использования MongoDB
- MongoDB Sharded Cluster на Centos 6.5
- Hello MongoDB (открытый удаленный доступ)
- MongoDB от теории к практике. Руководство по установке кластера mongoDB
- Делаем админпанель для MySQL и MongoDB на Node.js
- Searching masks for elements in db.collection:
{a: {$gt: 10}} // Greater than 10
{a: {$lt: 5}} // Less Than
{a: {$gte: 10}} // Greater than or equal to
{a: {$ne: 'b'}} // Not Equal To
{a: {$in: ['a', 'b', 'c']}} // Exists in array
- Новый aggregation framework в MongoDB 2.1
- Querying: Definitive guide
- Unexpected mongo exit code 14. Restarting.Can't start mongo server a
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- Grunt, инструмент для сборки javascript проектов
- Делаем жизнь проще, GruntJS (для новичков)
- Grunt - автоматизация для самых ленивых
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- The introduction to Reactive Programming you've been missing
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- Angular.js + Reuire.js
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- AngularJS Form Validation
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- ng-admin
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- Часы на кривых Безье - processing.js
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- Pocket Guide to Writing SVG
- Metricsgraphicsjs
- Animating linear gradient
- Animated aGradient
- How do I auto-resize an image to fit a 'div' container?
- Mask on hover
- Bootstrap icon inside input
- Довідник
- Селектори
- Height, width и overflow — CSS правила для описания области контента при блочной верстке.
- CSS3 градієнти на пальцях
- Reset CSS
- Базовые стили и полезные CSS-сниппеты
- Border-radius
- css statistics
- github's css
- Кроссбраузерный inline-block
- A single div pictures (Attention: highclass art!)
- An Introduction to CSS3 Transitions (with animation of timing-functions)
- css3 Maker
- Архитектура CSS
- Quantity Queries for CSS
- Разбираемся с vertical-align
- Принципы анимации для веба
- Making a 'div' inherit the height of parent ('td') using only css?
- A couple of use cases for calc
- Ultimate CSS gradient generator
- css playground
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- Responsive iframe css trick
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- Intersection observer with react and TypeScript
- Getting the client's time zone (and offset)
- Find closest point by lat-lng
- Thinking in Ramda
- Throttling function calls
- Speaking JavaScript ES5 online book
- Exploring JS there are about ES6 too
- Understanding ECMAScript 6
- Just learn a bit of ES6 daily, take one kata a day and fix it away.
- Видео: полный цикл разработки на JavaScript
- Прототипы это объекты (и почему это важно)
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- Many (not only) JS books
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- Writing Modular JavaScript With AMD, CommonJS & ES Harmony
- Підводне каміння JS - в тому числі про типи даних.
- Про функції - на JavaScript.ru, фундаментально
- Видео-курс по JavaScript на русском языке
- Отличие preventDefault, stopPropagation и stopImmediatePropagation
- CursorMessage: jQuery Tooltip for any event
- js anti-patterns
- Основы Drag'n'Drop
- JavaScript core
- Remove created item from DOM - beginner student
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- 42 top examples of JavaScript
- Remove property from JavaScript object
- Prototypes in JavaScript
- Приём проектирования «Модуль»
- Getting elements by attribute selector pure JS
- Ecmascript 6 — что можно использовать уже сейчас
- Sorting objects in an array by a field value in JavaScript
- Crockford's JavaScript
- jsep: A Tiny JavaScript Expression Parser
- Math expression evaluator in javascript: part 2 (parser)
- Parsing operators and evaluating them in javascript
- ECMAScript 6 — New Features: Overview & Comparison
- Converting an object to a string
- ECMAScript 6 Features
- ES6 в деталях: Генераторы
- Eloquent JavaScript second edition en, ru
- Linked list
- Основные сведения об объектах Web Worker
- How to get reference to the parent object inside a child object
- Objects: get parent
- OOP in JS, Part 1 : Public/Private Variables and Methods
- JavaScript: arguments
- How to get the computed width and height for an arbitrary element?
- Введение в объектно-ориентированный JavaScript
- Building a Web App Guided By Tests
- И опять про MVC
- Compare two dates with JavaScript
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- Skeleton images
- Local Storage api
- Front-end Developer Handbook
- Interact with BLE devices on the Web
- Responsive Sidebar Out Of Nothing
- Chartist.js, An Open-Source Library For Responsive Charts
- JS chart libraries
- Leaflet: Seven rarely used features
- Cross-tab Communication
- Change And Its Detection In JavaScript Frameworks
- How to Build a Chrome Extension
- Getting Started: Building a Chrome Extension
- W3Fools
- Great web site 'bout not only web development: css, coding, design, etc.
- html-css academy
- Адаптивная верстка. Шпаргалки верстальщика
- Самые простые техники адаптивной верстки - 2012
- Две float-колонки одинаковой высоты - 2009
- Equal Height Columns with Cross-Browser CSS - 2008
- Div колонки: 4 способа растянуть div колонки по высоте - 2009
- WebDev український ресурс (ua)
- WebDev, coding, else (ua)
- Habr инструменты веб девелопера.
- Pure - A set of small, responsive CSS modules that you can use in every web project.
- Sweet Alerts
- Awesome SVG
- Leaflet.markercluster
- Galen Framework — автоматизированое тестирование адаптивной верстки сайта
- Skeleton - css framework
- Responsive Full Background Image Using CSS
- A CSS Framework and a Set of React Components that Implement Google's Material Design
- Респонсивная верстка (Алексей Чикин)
- Responsive Patterns
- Responsive Web Design
- Native HTML5 Drag and Drop
- Drag & Drop grids: gridster.js, gridstack.js, jQuery-shapeshift
- Responsive Web Design Patterns by Google
- Чек-лист вёрстки. Что можно отдавать клиенту, а что надо переделывать
- Book of Modern frontend tooling
- Opinionated rundown of JS frameworks
- Journey Through The JavaScript MVC Jungle (2012)
- Helping you select an MV* framework
- New JavaScript UI Library: Layout, Grid, Toolbar, Tree, Tabs, Popup, Forms, Fields, Utilitis
- Presentation framework impress.js
- Features of the Less language
- Bootstrap 3 Tabs + left, right, bottom
- Swiper - Most modern mobile touch slider
- How the Bootstrap Grid Really Works
- Circle arc with svg circle and dash
- Create svg fonts - Icomoon
- Convert WOFF to WOFF2
- SVG ON THE WEB A Practical Guide
- Create an SVG Sprite Sheet
- Data looks better naked
- Image Formats: the nerdy parts
- Browser Safe Colors
- SVG Color Keywords
- How to make your own icon webfont
- Update data with the multiple elements in a group
- Towards Reusable Charts
- Understanding selectAll, data, enter, append sequence in D3.js
- Whats the best way to make a d3.js visualisation layout responsive
- Building Responsive Visualizations with D3.js
- A Simple Responsive D3.js Example
- How to Make d3 Charts Responsive
- General Update Pattern: 1, 2
- Over 2000 D3.js Examples and Demos
- D3 Tutorial Table of Contents
- Try D3 Now
- d3 gauge
- D3 Liquid Fill Gauge
- Speedometer
- Three Little Circles
- Blocks - many examples of using D3.js
- D3.js crash course
- Dashing D3js - earn how to make Data Visualizations with D3.js
- D3.js Data Visualization Fundamentals
- [Resources for learning D3js](http://getgini.com/lists/80-resources-for-learning-d3-jsResources for learning D3js)
- Interactive Data Visualization for the Web
- Pie and Donut Charts in D3.js
- Climbing the d3.js Visualisation Stack
- D3.js tutorials
- The Key to Enlightenment
- Multi-Series Line Chart
- Building a Multi-Line Chart Using D3.js.Parts: 1, 2
- Building Responsive Visualizations with D3.js
- Whats the best way to make a d3.js visualisation layout responsive?
- D3.js Step by Step: A Basic Pie Chart
- D3.js Scales
- Making Dashboards with Dc.js - Part 2: Graphing
- d3 linechart string domain x-axis
- Changing number displayed as svg text gradually, with D3 transition
- Arcs Tweening Animation
- Arc Tween (Clock)
- Tweening an arc
- Example of a part of a gauge
- Example of a gauge
- Arc Tween
- Gauge
- Gauge - Part Deux
- Pie Chart Update, II
- Support rgba interpolation
- attrTween in a Transition to Move an Element Using a Function
- AttrTween, Transitions and MV* in Reusable D3
- Responsive Charts with D3
- A Basic MySQL Tutorial
- Learn SQL The Hard Way Table Of Contents
- SQL - Урок 2. Типы данных
- Составные операторы в условии WHERE
- Выборка данных с условием. Оператор WHERE
- SELECT - дальше и глубже
- Упражнения по SQL
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- Fix Lenovo non working microphone
- Fix no Unity, no Launcher, no Dash in Ubuntu 14.04 and 16.04
- Unity missing? Can't see top or side panels
- How to create custom commands in linux
- Split string into multiple variables in Bash
- Check if a program exists from a bash script.
- Run function from script over ssh
- Passing variable through ssh doesnt work
- How to execute a remote command over ssh with arguments?
- The Art of Command Line
- Linux's book parts: 1, 2, 3
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- Docker. Зачем и как
- Docker Ubuntu 16.04
- Docker with flloating IP
- Large Meteor projects - best practices
- ReactiveVar & ReactiveDict
- Easily debugging meteor.js
- mongo-package: Adaptor for using MongoDB and Minimongo over DDP
- Your Second Meteor Application
- Testing env for Meteor - RainForestQA
- The best meteor packages you must know to code faster
- METEOR SECURITY 201 mustRead!
- Security checklist
- Tracking users' online status packages: particle4dev/users-online, mrt/profile-online, dpid/user-presence, mizzao/meteor-user-status
- Pagination Problems in Meteor
- Meteor wiki!
- Keep It Secret, Keep It Safe
- Meteor UI Pattern: Keeping App State on the URL
- Meteor, SQL and other databases
- Teach meteor yourself in 6 weeks
- Learn Meteor.js properly
- Your first Meteor Application
- Building An App In 45 Minutes With Meteor
- Meteor.com Official Tutorial
- A Guide to Meteor Templates & Data Contexts
- Discover Meteor
- Exception in template helper
- Continuos integration for meteor apps
- Using d3 and Meteor to generate scalable vector graphics (SVG)
- Meteor Cookbook: Reactive D3 Visualizations
- How to deploy a MeteorJS app on ubuntu
- Iron router: apply CSS change whenever route changes
- Meteor An HTTP server for 2.0 realtime Web
- Creating new Meteor collections on the fly
- Extending meteor user model
- How to deploy a meteor app to my own server (StackOverflow)
- How to deal with dynamic subscriptions in Meteor?
- Unit testing with Meteor
- Fast Render Internals and How It Works
- MeteorJS Fast Rendering
- Iron-Router Tutorial
- Meteor plus mySQL
- Wrapping a 3rd party library into a package
- Sortable lists in MteorJS using jQuery-ui
- Meteor Blaze Docs
- How To Make a Custom Registration (and Login) Form in Meteor
- How to optimize your Mongo database for Meteor.js
- Simple search pattern
- Reactive User Interfaces - Creating maintainable interfaces with React & Meteor
- meteor: common mistakes
- meteor: get text how to read and package text files
- productiveme:backgrid Backgrid.js is a set of components for building semantic and easily stylable data grid widgets.
- Create a reusable template for tabs in Meteor
- Meteor Tracker: Transparent Reactive Programming
- S-Grid for Meteor.js with Flexbox ..and Stylus, Sortable/dragable tests for s-grid.meteor.com
- Quick tip: highlight templates
- Введение в Meteor.js | Kevin Harvey (video on VK.com)
- Reactive table for MeteorJS: aldeed: meteor-tabular
- Dynamic templates and data contexts. - iron-meteor/iron-dynamic-template
- meteor-roles: Authorization package for Meteor, compatible with built-in accounts packages
- Complete NPM integration for Meteor
- https://github.com/meteorhacks/npm
- package: Expose Meteor.users as a collection
- Unofficial Meteor FAQ
- А теперь загрузка фоточек
- Reactive '< select >'
- Несколько тонкостей использования jade в Meteor-проектах
- Meteor tutorial book
- MeteorJS + coffeScript tutorials
- MeteorCapture
- MeteorChef
- Use Deps Dependency instead of Session if you can
- Extending Meteor Accounts (login system)
- how to use mongoimport with my meteor application database?
- TemplateVar
- Roll Your Own Authentication
- Meteor and filepicker-plus package
- Using of x-editable
- Meteor Cookbook: Filepicker.io Uploads and Image Conversion
- Filepicker example
- Send Props to Children in React
- Create React App with an Express Backend
- React Getting Started — The MERN Stack Tutorial! (feat. ES6!)
- Routing React Apps: The Complete Guide
- ReactJS tutorial
- Изоморфные приложения. Взгляд в будущее с React
- A simple isomorphic javascript blog with React and Nodejs
- Radio Buttons in React.js
- How to pass in a react component into another react component to transclude the first component's content?
- How do I install wallpapers from older releases?
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- 10 ways to say 'you are welcome'