Disclaimer: for now normal mode blocks unsupported keystrokes without alt/ctrl/shift/meta to prevent typing in normal mode, but not to block native chrome and workflowy shortcuts. (with some exceptions, this is a work in progress)
- Normal mode
: Move down one itemk
: Move up one itemh
: Move cursor leftl
: Move cursor righti
: Insert before currently selected charactera
: Insert after currently selected character/
: Focus the search box?
: Focus the search boxo
: Create a new bullet below current line and go into insert modeO
: Create a new bullet above current line and go into insert mode0
: Move cursor to the first character of the line^
: Move cursor to the first character of the line$
: Move cursor to the last character on the lineI
: Insert at the beginning of the lineA
: Insert after the end of the lineu
: Undo<Ctrl>r
: Redo<Alt>l
: Zoom into current list item<Alt>h
: Zoom out of current listdd
: remove the current bulletEnter
: go to the beginning of next line<Alt>J
: Move the current line down<Alt>K
: Move the current line up
- insert mode
: Enter Normal mode
In the bottom left corner there is a mode indicator that shows what mode you are in currently.
When you attempt to edit bullets that you don't have privileges to edit, the mode indicator will flash Cannot edit this
for 1 second.
If you're using cvim (or any other Chrome extensions that install modal keybindings), make sure you add http*://*.workflowy.com/*
to the excluded URLs.
It also works if you run Workflowy in Chromium's app mode: i.e. chromium --app="https://workflowy.com"
(the extension is loaded underneath).
- for chrome
- Clone this repo (or your fork) somewhere on your filesystem.
- go to
- click 'Load unpacked extension...' button right below 'Extensions' header in the top left corner of the page
- point at the vimflowy repo directory
- ...
- profit
These are environment specs that this thing was used on and was usable. If you ever use it on a different environment, feel free to create a PR with your spec in this list :)
Please add items in this format: '<output of lsb_release -a
>, Chrome <Version info from chrome://settings/help
- Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS, Chrome Version 61.0.3163.91 (Official Build) (64-bit)