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Pre and post processing

Tarang Jain edited this page Jan 7, 2025 · 1 revision

Pre- and post-processing is used to: remap vector ids, apply transformations to the data, and re-rank search results with a better index.

Faiss ID mapping

By default Faiss assigns a sequential id to vectors added to the indexes. This page explains how to change this to arbitrary ids.

Some Index classes implement a add_with_ids method, where 64-bit vector ids can be provided in addition to the the vectors. At search time, the class will return the stored ids rather than the sequential vector ids.

The IndexIDMap

This index encapsulates another index and translates ids when adding and searching. It maintains a table with the mapping.

For example,

index = faiss.IndexFlatL2(xb.shape[1]) 
ids = np.arange(xb.shape[0])
index.add_with_ids(xb, ids)  # this will crash, because IndexFlatL2 does not support add_with_ids
index2 = faiss.IndexIDMap(index)
index2.add_with_ids(xb, ids) # works, the vectors are stored in the underlying index

IDs in the IndexIVF

The IndexIVF sub-classes always store vector IDs. Therefore, the IndexIDMap's additional table is a waste of space. The IndexIVF offers add_with_ids natively.

Pre-transforming the data

It is often useful to transform data prior to indexing. Transformation classes inherit VectorTransform. A VectorTransform applies a transformation to input vectors (of dimension d_in) and outputs vectors of size d_out.

Transformation Class name Comments
random rotation RandomRotationMatrix useful to re-balance components of a vector before indexing in an IndexPQ or IndexLSH
remapping of dimensions RemapDimensionsTransform to reduce or increase the size of a vector because the index has a preferred dimension, or to apply a random permutation on dimensions.
PCA PCAMatrix for dimensionality reduction
OPQ rotation OPQMatrix OPQ applies a rotation to the input vectors to make them more amenable to PQ coding. See Optimized product quantization, Ge et al., CVPR'13 for more details.

Transformations can be trained from a set of vectors if it makes sense, using the method train. They can be applied to a set of vectors with apply.

An index can be wrapped in a IndexPreTransform index so that the mapping occurs transparently, and training is integrated with the Index training.

Example: apply a PCA to reduce the number of dimensions

Standalone version

See the next section

With an IndexPreTransform

For example, if the input vectors are 2048D, and have to be reduced to 16 bytes, it makes sense to reduce them with a PCA before.

  # the IndexIVFPQ will be in 256D not 2048
  coarse_quantizer = faiss.IndexFlatL2 (256)
  sub_index = faiss.IndexIVFPQ (coarse_quantizer, 256, ncoarse, 16, 8)
  # PCA 2048->256
  # also does a random rotation after the reduction (the 4th argument)
  pca_matrix = faiss.PCAMatrix (2048, 256, 0, True) 

  #- the wrapping index
  index = faiss.IndexPreTransform (pca_matrix, sub_index)

  # will also train the PCA
  # PCA will be applied prior to addition

Example: increase the number of dimensions

It is sometimes useful to increase the number of dimensions d by inserting zeros in the vectors. This can be useful for:

  • make d a multiple of 4, this is what the distance computations are optimized for

  • make d a multiple of M, where M is the size of a PQ.

This can be done with

  # input is in dimension d, but we want a multiple of M
  d2 = int((d + M - 1) / M) * M
  remapper = faiss.RemapDimensionsTransform (d, d2, true)
  # the index in d2 dimensions  
  index_pq = faiss.IndexPQ(d2, M, 8)  
  # the index that will be used for add and search 
  index = faiss.IndexPreTransform (remapper, index_pq)

IndexRefineFlat: re-ranking search results

When querying a vector, it may be useful to re-rank the search results with real distance computations. The following example searches an index with an IndexPQ, then reranks the first results by computing real distances:

  q = faiss.IndexPQ (d, M, nbits_per_index)
  rq = faiss.IndexRefineFlat (q)
  rq.train (xt)
  rq.add (xb)
  rq.k_factor = 4
  D, I = rq:search (xq, 10)

The search function will fetch 4 * 10 nearest neighbors from the IndexPQ, then compute the real distance for each of the results, and keep the 10 best ones. Note that the IndexRefineFlat has to store the full vectors, so it is not memory-efficient.

IndexShards: combining results from several indexes

When the dataset is spread over several indexes, a query can be dispatched over them and the results can be combined with an IndexShards. This is also useful if the index is spread over several GPUs and the queries can be done in parallel, see index_cpu_to_gpus with shards set to true in GpuClonerOptions.

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