A MSP-EXP430G2 LaunchPad firmware to control the BOOST-DRV8711 Stepper Motor BoosterPack through a simplified UART protocol.
The included files must be imported to a Code Composer Studio project correctly created for the target board.
- Download and install Code Composer Studio (CCS) 9+
- Download this repository and extract if needed
- Launch CCS and create a new project
- File > New > CCS Project
- Target: MSP430G2553 (select the board you're using)
- Project templates and examples: Empty Projects > Empty Project
- File > New > CCS Project
- Ensure that the new project is selected in the Project Explorer
- Import this repository's contents to the new project
- File > Import...
- General > File System
- From directory > Browse...
- Find and select the downloaded repository folder
- Select All
- Check Overwrite existing resources without warning
- Uncheck Create top-level folder
- Finish
- General > File System
- File > Import...
- Project > Build Project
- Flash
Read the message template for an overview of how the messages are composed.
Check out StepperComms, a Python script for building the messages.
Please email micael@jarniac.com for support.
- Enhance code style
- Simplify communication protocol
- Implement function to broadcast variables size
- Implement function to broadcast variables name
Submitted code must match the GNOME C Coding Style.
Based on the example code by Texas Instruments, licensed under BSD.
Maintained by Micael Jarniac.