This Git repository helps you get up and running quickly w/ a Drupal installation on OpenShift. It defaults to using MySQL, so when creating the application you'll want to select and install both MySQL and Cron (for running scheduled tasks).
rhc app create drupal php-5 mysql cron
The first time you push changes to OpenShift, the build script will download the latest stable version of Drupal (currently 7.x) and install it into the 'downloads' data directory. It will then create and deploy a BlazeMeter profile for your application, autoconfiguring Drupal with latest BlazeMeter module. Any new modules you add or files uploaded to the site should be placed under sites directory. If you want to reconfigure Drupal from a clean state, delete the 'sites' directory (you may need to add write permissions to the sites/default directory, which Drupal automatically makes readonly) and push a non-significant change to your application Git repo.
Because none of your application code is checked into Git and lives entirely in your data directory, if this application is set to scalable the new gears will have empty data directories and won't serve requests properly. If you'd like to make the app scalable, you'll need to:
- Check the contents of php/* into your Git repository (in the php/* dir)
- Only install new modules via Drush from the head gear, and then commit those changes to the Git repo
- Use a background task to copy file contents from gear to gear
All of the scripts used to deploy and configure Drupal are located in the build and deploy hooks.
The Drush management tool for Drupal is automatically installed - you can add it to your path when you SSH in to the application by using the following command:
. ${OPENSHIFT_DATA_DIR}.bash_profile
and then running
drush --help
Drush has many helpful commands for managing your installation.
Create an account at
Create a php-5.3 application with MySQL and Cron support.
rhc app create drupal php-5.3 mysql cron --from-code=git://
That's it, you can now checkout your application at: http://drupal-$
Default Admin Username | admin |
Default Admin Password | openshift_changeme |
You can use Drupal's module management UI to download new versions of modules into your data directory.
php/ - At deploy time, the build script will symlink this directory to a
directory containing Drupal
../data - For persistent data
../data/sites - The data for your Drupal site, including settings.php,
downloaded modules, and uploaded files
../data/downloads - The most recent version of Drupal.
deplist.txt - list of pears to install
.openshift/action_hooks/build - Script that gets run every push, just prior to starting your app
.openshift/install_profiles/blazemeter_profile - Drupal BlazeMeter profile
If you create a php directory in your Git repo, it will be served instead of Drupal. The build hook automatically symlinks the installed version of Drupal from your data directory every time you push. The runtime directory in your application is automatically recreated each push, so anything persistent must be in your Git repo or saved and retrieved from the data directory.