Cordova plugin for Jitsi Meet React Native SDK.
All options, feature flags and listeners are available.
All feature flags available can be found here:
- Android >= 26
- iOS
The plugin can be installed via Cordova-CLI
Install the latest head version
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-jitsi-meet-sdk
All paramenters are optional except for room. You need to specify at least the room name.
If serverURL is not specified by default is "".
All feature flags not specified are in their default value.
All boolean options by default are false.
All string options by default are empty.
This is the minimal setup to enter into a conference
room: "MyAmazingRoom",
And this is a complete example
serverURL: "",
room: "MyAmazingRoom",
displayName: "Max!",
email: "[email protected]",
audioMuted: false,
videoMuted: false,
welcomePageEnabled: false,
subject: "My amazing name",
audioOnly: false,
//token: "your jwt token, if you have one",
flags: {
"chat.enabled": true,
"invite.enabled": true,
"kick-out.enabled": true,
"live-streaming.enabled": true,
"pip.enabled": true,
"recording.enabled": true,
"video-share.enabled": true,
"add-people.enabled": true,
"calendar.enabled": true,
"meeting-name.enabled": true,
"video-share.enabled": true,
"meeting-password.enabled": true,
"toolbox.alwaysVisible": true
}, function(listener){
// a listener has been fired!
//Broadcasted when a conference was joined.
//Broadcasted when the active conference ends, be it because of user choice or because of a failure.
//Broadcasted before a conference is joined.
//Broadcasted when audioMuted state changed
//Broadcasted when videoMuted state changed
//Broadcasted when a participant has joined the conference.
//Broadcasted when a participant has joined the conference.
//Broadcasted when an endpoint text message is received.
//Broadcasted when a RETRIEVE_PARTICIPANTS_INFO action is called.
//Broadcasted when a chat text message is received.
//Broadcasted when the chat dialog is opened or closed.
console.log("You successfully closed your conference!");
console.log("Something goes wrong. Check tab error in the console");
Broadcasted when a conference was joined. The data HashMap contains a url key with the conference URL.
Broadcasted when the active conference ends, be it because of user choice or because of a failure. The data HashMap contains an error key with the error and a url key with the conference URL. If the conference finished gracefully no error key will be present.
Broadcasted before a conference is joined. The data HashMap contains a url key with the conference URL.
Broadcasted when audioMuted state changed. The data HashMap contains a muted key with state of the audioMuted for the localParticipant.
Broadcasted when videoMuted state changed. The data HashMap contains a muted key with state of the videoMuted for the localParticipant.
Broadcasted when a participant has joined the conference. The data HashMap contains information of the participant that has joined. Depending of whether the participant is the local one or not, some of them are present/missing. isLocal email name participantId
Broadcasted when a participant has joined the conference. The data HashMap contains information of the participant that has left. Depending of whether the participant is the local one or not, some of them are present/missing. isLocal email name participantId
Broadcasted when an endpoint text message is received. The data HashMap contains a senderId key with the participantId of the sender and a message key with the content.
Broadcasted when a RETRIEVE_PARTICIPANTS_INFO action is called. The data HashMap contains a participantsInfo key with a list of participants information and a requestId key with the id that was sent in the RETRIEVE_PARTICIPANTS_INFO action.
Broadcasted when a chat text message is received. The data HashMap contains a senderId key with the participantId of the sender, a message key with the content, a isPrivate key with a boolean value and a timestamp key.
Broadcasted when the chat dialog is opened or closed. The data HashMap contains a isOpen key with a boolean value.
Working in progress...
The plugin will receive updates and fixes. Write in the Issues section for any problem.
You can email me at [email protected]