A zero-config opiniated, like command line utility to create conventional branches. See also standard-commit-2
- cb: Same as
git branch -b
but with prompt and formatting for the branch name.
npm install -g standard-branch
git config --global alias.cb "!standard-branch"
# Now you can use:
git cb
npm update -g standard-branch
You can only configure with standard-commit-2
See: https://www.npmjs.com/package/standard-commit-2#configuration
you configure standard-commit via a .standard-commitrc
file. You should add this file to the git repo.
Use the suggested defaults.
- feat: Add a new feature (equivalent to a MINOR in Semantic Versioning).
- fix: Fix a bug (equivalent to a PATCH in Semantic Versioning).
- chore: Update something without impacting the user (ex: bump a dependency in package.json).
- build: Changes that affect the build system or external dependencies (ex: webpack config changes)
- ci: changes made to the pipeline
- docs: Documentation changes.
- refactor: Refactor code without changing public API.
- revert: Reverting an old commit
- style: Code style change (semicolon, indentation...).
- test: Add test to an existing feature or update a test