Hoverbee lets you effortlessly attach elements to the cursor. I have kept the usage extremely minimal to avoid confusions of any sort.
You only need to include the script tag somewhere inside your HTML page.
<script src="https://unpkg.com/hoverbee"></script>
// the target element, could be provided as a string selector or an Element instance
// movement strength of the element wrt to the cursor
strength = 10,
// the distance at which the
threshold = 200,
// animation duration for the element moving while detached to cursor
duration = 300,
// animation duration for the element after detaching from the cursor to move back to the original location
fallbackDuration = 300,
// if set to null the element moves with cursor no matter what, but if you need to trigger the move on hover or any other JavaScript event, set it here.
triggerEvent = null,
// enables X-axis movement
x = true,
// enables Y-axis movement
y = true,
// if set to true the element moves in reverse wrt the cursor
reverse = false,