This is a fork of dep_tregex, a Python 2 module that implements Stanford Tregex-inspired language for rule-based dependency tree manipulation. This fork extends the original functionality to allow for optional matchings using ?
, as outlined in Introduction to Tregex.ppt.
Trees are represented internally as lists corresponding to CoNNL-U format.
from dep_tregex import Tree
tree = Tree(forms, lemmas, cpostags, postags, feats, heads, deprels)
# where feats is of the form ['case=Nom', 'number=Plur', ...]
To get all nodes matching your tregex:
from dep_tregex import parse_pattern
pattern = parse_pattern("x lemma 'be' and > y deprel 'NSUBJ'")
matchings, backrefs_map = [], {}
for node in range(1, len(tree) + 1):
if pattern.match(tree, node, backrefs_map):
# backrefs_map contains matchings for variables x, y
# in this case x == node
To output you tree to a file:
import dep_tregex
# for HTML:
html_file = open('tree.html', 'w')
dep_tregex.write_tree_html(file, html_file)
# for CoNLL-U:
conll_file = open('tree.conll', 'w')
dep_tregex.write_tree_conll(conll_file, tree)