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DEPRECATED: Coverity Report For v7 JSON Output

NOTE: This plugin has been deprecated and is no longer supported. It is recommended that you move to our new and supported Black Duck Security Scan.

GitHub tag (latest SemVer)

Uses Coverity's v7 JSON output to provide comments on Pull Requests about code quality issues.

Note: This action does not run Coverity command line tools. It is purely a way to expose Coverity output within GitHub.

Note: This action does not yet support the Cloud Native Coverity thin client, with analysis performed in the cloud. Please use this action with the traditional local analysis workflow.

Receive review feedback on your changes, including everything you need to understand and fix critial security weaknesses.

Coverity Review Feedback Screenshot

When issues have been resolved, they will be verified by subsequent analysis and the comment updated to reflect their status.

Coverity Review Feedback Screenshot

Quick Start Guide

To start using this action, add the following step to your existing GitHub workflow.

  - name: Parse Coverity JSON
    uses: synopsys-sig/coverity-report-output-v7-json@<version>
      json-file-path: $COVERITY_OUTPUT_PATH
      github-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}

Replace <version> with the version of the action you would like to use. You can find the latest version at the top of this README!

Set the parameter json-file-path to the path where the Coverity v7 JSON output can be found. This is the file generated using the following command:

cov-format-errors --dir <intermediate dir> --json-output-v7 coverity-results.json

Using The Action With Coverity

Coevrity has many deployment options, and how you use it will depend on your environment and project source code. The following provides a simple example of how Coverity could be used within a GitHub workflow in conjunction with this action. This example uses a self-hosted runner with Coverity tools pre-installed.

This workflow does the following:

  1. Computes a Coverity stream and project name based on the GitHub repository and branch. By linking the GitHub repo to Coverity Connect in this way, your workflows can be generic with no project-specific data contained in them.
  2. Runs cov-manage-im to ensure the project and stream are configured on the Coverity server. Without this step, a project and stream must be created manually. By including this step, you can easily on-board new projects into Coverity with no manual intervention. This must be run with credenials that have permission to manage projects and streams.
  3. Runs cov-capture, cov-analyze to create Coverity results. With those results, it runs cov-format-errors to generate the JSON file for this action to consume. This is the section that will vary the most from environment to environment. For example, your project may require a build capture instead of automatic capture. Or, you may use the Coverity CLI. You may also use cov-run-desktop, as it can generate the same JSON output.
  4. Runs this action to consume the JSON file produced in the previous step. The action can optionally consult with the Coverity Connect instance to compare the results with a baseline stream and only report newly introduced issues.
name: Coverity with Self-Hosted Runner
    branches: [ master, main ]

    branches: [ master, main ]

    runs-on: [self-hosted]

      COVERITY_CHECKERS: --webapp-security
      COVERITY_URL: ${{ secrets.COVERITY_URL }}
      COV_USER: ${{ secrets.COVERITY_USER }}

      - uses: actions/checkout@v2

      - name: Coverity Scan (Full analysis)
        if: ${{ github.event_name != 'pull_request' }}
        shell: bash
        run: |
          cov-capture --dir idir --project-dir .
          cov-analyze --dir idir --strip-path `pwd` $COVERITY_CHECKERS
          cov-commit-defects --dir idir --ticker-mode none --url ${{ secrets.COVERITY_URL }} --on-new-cert trust --stream \
              $COVERITY_STREAM_NAME --scm git --description "GitHub Workflow $GITHUB_WORKFLOW for $GITHUB_REPO" --version $GITHUB_SHA
          cov-format-errors --dir idir --json-output-v7 coverity-results.json
      - name: Get Pull Request Changeset
        if: ${{ github.event_name == 'pull_request' }}
        id: changeset
        uses: jitterbit/get-changed-files@v1

      - name: Coverity Scan (Incremental analysis)
        if: ${{github.event_name == 'pull_request'}}
        run: |
          export COVERITY_STREAM_NAME=${GITHUB_REPOSITORY##*/}-${{ github.base_ref }}
          for changed_file in ${{ steps.changeset.outputs.added_modified }}; do
            echo ${changed_file} >> coverity-files-to-scan.txt
            echo "Scan changed file ${changed_file}."
          cov-capture --dir idir --project-dir .
          cov-run-desktop --dir idir --strip-path `pwd` --url ${{ secrets.COVERITY_URL }} --stream $COVERITY_STREAM_NAME --present-in-reference false \
            --ignore-uncapturable-inputs true \
            --json-output-v7 coverity-results.json \
            $COVERITY_CHECKERS \
            ${{ steps.changeset.outputs.added_modified }}
      - name: Coverity Pull Request Feedback
        uses: synopsys-sig/coverity-report-output-v7-json@v0.1.0
          # The following parameters are REQUIRED
          json-file-path: ./coverity-results.json
          github-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          # If the following optional parameters are specified, the results from the JSON output will be
          # compared to the baseline issues in the specified project, and only NEW issues will be reported
          # in the pull request.
          coverity-url: ${{ secrets.COVERITY_URL }}
          coverity-project-name: ${{ }}
          coverity-username: ${{ secrets.COV_USER }}
          coverity-password: ${{ secrets.COVERITY_PASSPHRASE }}

Include Custom Certificates (Optional)

To include one or more root CA certificates, set NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS to the certificate file-path(s) in the environment. Notes:

  • The certificate(s) must be in pem format.
  • This environment variable can also be used with the Create Policy Action.


- name: Coverity Report
        uses: synopsys-sig/coverity-report-output-v7-json@v0.0.1
            NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS: ${{ secrets.LOCAL_CA_CERT_PATH }}
            . . .

Troubleshooting Certificates

  • Problem: An error saying the file-path to the certificate cannot be read.
    • Solution: Ensure whitespace and other special characers are properly escaped based on your runner's OS.
  • Problem: An error about missing certificates in the certificate-chain or missing root certificates.
    • Solution: You may only be including the server's certificate and not the root CA certificate. Ensure you are using the root CA certificate.

Additional Resources

Frequently asked questions

  1. Why use the Coverity JSON v7 output? In order to reach the broadest set of use cases, we chose to implement this action using the slightly older Coverity JSON v7 output format. While cov-format-errors supports a JSON v8 format, cov-run-desktop only supports JSON v7, and we want to support as many deployment styles as possible. We do not query for defects from Coverity Connect in order to support use cases where the analysis is only run locally.

Future Enhancements

  1. Prevent a merge if security issues are found during the pull request. Create a GitHub status check and report the policy as failed if new security issues are found.
  2. Create GitHub Issues to track issues found by a full analysis. This action is currently focused on providing feedback on a pull request. No action is taken if run manually or on a push. A future enhancement is to create GitHub issues to track security weaknesses found during a push.
  3. Allow developers to dismiss issues from the pull request. If an issue is deemed to be a false positive, a future enhancement could allow the developer to indicate this by replying to the comment, which would in turn report the status to the Coverity Connect instance so that future runs will recognize the issue as having beemn triaged as such.