This repository defines clients for Pusher platform services such as Chatkit.
It may be used to:
- Directly issue requests and establish long-lived subscriptions to arbitrary endpoints.
- Build server-side SDKs (which have access to
s to authorize request-reponses) - Build client-side SDKs (which obtain
out of band from a server to issue request-responses and establish subscriptions)
- Channels and Beams are not supported.
- This package is unofficial and alpha quality.
Continue reading this document to learn how to install this dependency, connect to an instance, make requests, establish subscriptions and handle errors. Or consult documentation.
The example fragments below are collected in a working example application.
- Installing
- Connecting to an instance
- Making Requests
- Establishing Subscriptions
- Errors
- Documentation
- Module hierarchy
- Developing this library
- Start a project
If you have an existing application, skip to step 2. Otherwise, start a new Haskell project. Stack is known to work but you should be able to use other tools such as cabal.
With stack:
mkdir MyApp && cd MyApp && stack init
- Add
as a dependency toMyApp.cabal
build-depends: base >= 4.12
, pusher-platform-haskell
- Tell your build tool where to find this dependency.
is not currently on Hackage or a stack resolver.
If using stack, add this repository as a source to your stack.yaml
resolver: lts-14.20
- .
- git: ""
commit: master
If using cabal directly you may be able to install this repository globally:
git clone && cd Pusher-Platform-Haskell && cabal install
You should now be able to import Pusher
in your application.
Continue reading this document to learn how to connect to an instance, make requests, subscriptions and handle errors. Or consult documentation.
To interact with a Pusher platform service, you will need your instance and key id. Currently Chatkit is the only supported service. Obtain credentials or create a free instance in the dashboard.
The "Instance Locator" displayed in the dashboard takes the form VERSION:CLUSTER:INSTANCEID
The "Secret Key" takes the form KEYID:KEYSECRET
- The
is the private key used to sign requests. It should NOT be shared with untrusted clients. - The
identifies your instance and can be shared - The
identifies the secret key you will use to authorize requests and can be shared. First obtain credentials for a Chatkit instance
Create an environment that points at a single instance of a Pusher service:
import Pusher
instanceID = "my-instance-id"
keyID = "my-key-id"
keySecret = error "Only supply key secret to trusted servers"
clusterName = US1
host = PusherPlatform
main :: IO ()
main = do
Just env <- mkPusherEnv instanceID keyID clusterName host []
Use this environment to issue requests and establish subscriptions by using
main :: IO
main = do
Just env <- mkPusherEnv instanceID keyID clusterName host []
result <- runPusher env pusherActions
case result of
PusherSuccess ()
-> putStrLn "Successfully executed actions"
PusherErrorResponse errResp
-> putStrLn $ "Got error response from api: " <> show errResp
PusherFailure errMsg
-> fail $ show errMsg
pusherActions :: Pusher ()
pusherActions = do
pusherIO $ putStrLn "Hello world"
-- More Pusher actions can be chained here. Failures will shortcircuit.
Most requests will require an AccessToken
to be supplied for authorization. These are created
by signing a JWT with your SecretKey
must never be given to untrusted clients as it would allow them to
authorize any request.
If you are in an untrusted client context you cannot securely generate
. You should communicate with a trusted server context who is
responsible for deciding whether to grant you an appropriate AccessToken
If you are in a trusted server context, you may generate AccessToken
import Data.Map.Strict
import Data.Text
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
import Test.RandomStrings
import qualified Data.Aeson as JSON
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Pusher.Client.Token
pusherActions :: Pusher ()
pusherActions = do
pusherIO $ putStrLn "Hello world"
-- More Pusher actions can be chained here. Failures will shortcircuit.
-- Create an access token for alice
aliceUserID <- pusherIO $ generateUserID "alice"
accessToken <- pusherIO $ createAccessTokenAtTrustedServer aliceUserID
pure ()
createAccessTokenAtTrustedServer :: Text -> IO (Maybe AccessToken)
createAccessTokenAtTrustedServer forUser = do
issuedAt <- getPOSIXTime
let expiresAt = issuedAt + 60*60
let subject = forUser
let claims = Map.fromList [("su", JSON.Bool True)]
pure $ mkAccessToken instanceID keyID keySecret issuedAt expiresAt subject claims
generateUserID :: Text -> IO Text
generateUserID name = do
suffix <- randomWord randomASCII 10
pure $ name <> "-" <> pack suffix
Manually construct Request
s and receive Response
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Aeson.Encoding
import Data.Aeson.Types
import Data.ByteString.Lazy (toStrict)
pusherActions :: Pusher ()
pusherActions = do
-- Create an access token for alice
aliceUserID <- pusherIO $ generateUserID "alice"
accessToken <- pusherIO $ createAccessTokenAtTrustedServer aliceUserID
-- Construct Request to create alice. Response must still be parsed manually.
let createAliceRequest = Request
{ _method = "POST"
, _headers = []
, _service = "chatkit"
, _version = "v6"
, _path = "/users"
, _body = Just .toStrict . encodingToLazyByteString . pairs . mconcat $
[ "id" .= aliceUserID
, "name" .= ("alice"::Text)
(Response _ jsonBody _) <- pusherRequest accessToken createAliceRequest
pusherIO $ putStrLn $ "Successfully created user: " <> show jsonBody
Constructing Requests
like this can be tedious and error prone. IsRequest
can be used to work with more structured data.
For example, you may have (or want to define) a CreateUser
operation for a
The model may look like:
import Data.Text
-- A request to create a user with a name and avatar
data CreateUser = CreateUser
{ _createID :: Text
, _createName :: Text
, _createAvatar :: Text
-- The successful response to creating a user
data CreateUserResponse = Created User
-- A successfully created user
-- In real code you may want to use stronger types than plain Text.
data User = User
{ _userID :: Text
, _userName :: Text
, _avatarURL :: Maybe Text
, _createdAt :: Text
, _updatedAt :: Text
deriving Show
These types should then be tied together with an IsRequest
describes how to transform aCreateUser
request into aRequest
that clients can send.fromResponse
describes how successfulResponse
s should be parsed into the response model.
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Aeson.Encoding
import Data.Aeson.Types
instance IsRequest CreateUser CreateUserResponse where
toRequest (CreateUser id name avatar) = Request
{ _method = "POST"
, _headers = []
, _service = "chatkit"
, _version = "v6"
, _path = "/users"
, _body = Just . toStrict . encodingToLazyByteString . pairs . mconcat $
["name" .= name
,"id" .= id
,"avatar_url" .= avatar
fromResponse resp@(Response _headers body _mHeaders) = withStatus 201 resp $ Created <$> parseJSON body
instance FromJSON User where
parseJSON v = case v of
Object o -> User <$> o .: "id"
<*> o .: "name"
<*> o .:? "avatar_url"
<*> o .: "created_at"
<*> o .: "updated_at"
_ -> typeMismatch "User" v
Note that unsuccessful responses are handled by the clients which understand how to parse the ErrorResponse
You can then work with this model instead of plain requests:
pusherActions :: Pusher ()
pusherActions = do
-- Create an access token for alice
aliceUserID <- pusherIO $ generateUserID "alice"
accessToken <- pusherIO $ createAccessTokenAtTrustedServer aliceUserID
-- Create bob with the User model that deals with encoding/ decoding for us
bobUserID <- pusherIO $ generateUserID "bob"
Created bobUser <- pusherRequest accessToken $ CreateUser bobUserID "bob" ""
pusherIO . print $ bobUser
Manually establish Subscription
s and read the first event:
pusherActions :: Pusher ()
pusherActions = do
pusherIO $ putStrLn "Hello world"
-- More Pusher actions can be chained here. Failures will shortcircuit.
-- Create an access token for alice
aliceUserID <- pusherIO $ generateUserID "alice"
accessToken <- pusherIO $ createAccessTokenAtTrustedServer aliceUserID
-- Construct Request to create alice. Response must still be parsed manually.
let createAliceRequest = Request
{ _method = "POST"
, _headers = []
, _service = "chatkit"
, _version = "v6"
, _path = "/users"
, _body = Just .toStrict . encodingToLazyByteString . pairs . mconcat $
[ "id" .= aliceUserID
, "name" .= ("alice"::Text)
(Response _ jsonBody _) <- pusherRequest accessToken createAliceRequest
pusherIO $ putStrLn $ "Successfully created user: " <> show jsonBody
-- Construct a subscription request to a users read cursors and read the first
-- json event which must be parsed manually.
let subscribeUserCursorsRequest = SubscriptionRequest
{ _headers = []
, _service = "chatkit_cursors"
, _version = "v2"
, _path = "/cursors/0/users/" <> aliceUserID
subscription <- pusherSubscribe accessToken subscribeUserCursorsRequest
pusherIO $ putStrLn $ "Successfully subscribed to cursors for: alice "
event <- pusherReadEvent Nothing subscription
case event of
Left (EventEndOfSubscription _status _headers _body)
-> fail "Failed to read first event from subscription"
Right (Event _eventID _headers jsonEvent)
-> pusherIO $ putStrLn $ "Read first event: " <> show jsonEvent
pusherClose subscription
You may then recursively read from the subscription until either:
- You are done and call
- The server is done and returns an
Constructing SubscriptionRequests
and parsing the Event
s can be tedious and
error prone. IsSubscribe
can be used to work with more structured data.
For example, to define a SubscribeUserCursors
operation for a Chatkit
service you may start by modelling the subscription request and event types
import Data.Text
import Data.Time.Clock
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
import Data.Scientific
-- A Request to subscribe to a users cursor events
data SubscribeUserCursors = SubscribeUserCursors
{ _subscribeUserID :: Text
-- | Events from a User Cursor subscription.
data UserCursorEvent
-- | The Users previously set Cursors at the time of opening the Subscription
= InitialUserCursors
{ _timestamp :: Text
, _cursors :: [Cursor]
-- | The Users Cursor has been created or updated.
| NewUserCursor
{ _timestamp :: Text
, _cursor :: Cursor
deriving Show
-- | A Cursor points to a Message in a Room.
data Cursor = Cursor
{ _type :: CursorType
, _roomID :: Text
, _userID :: Text
, _position :: Int
, _updatedAt :: UTCTime
deriving Show
-- | Read Cursors are currently the only Cursor type.
data CursorType
= ReadCursor
deriving Show
These types should then be tied together with an IsSubscribe
describes how to transform aSubscribeUserCursors
request into aSubscriptionRequest
that clients can use to establish a subscription.fromSubscribeEvent
describes how successfulEvent
s should be parsed into the event model.
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Aeson.Encoding
import Data.Aeson.Types
instance IsSubscribe SubscribeUserCursors UserCursorEvent where
toSubscribeRequest (SubscribeUserCursors userID) = SubscriptionRequest
{ _headers = []
, _service = "chatkit_cursors"
, _version = "v2"
, _path = "/cursors/0/users/" <> userID
fromSubscribeEvent (Event _eventID _headers body) = parseJSON body
instance FromJSON UserCursorEvent where
parseJSON v = case v of
Object o
-> do eventName :: Text <- o .: "event_name"
timestamp <- o .: "timestamp"
dat <- o .: "data"
case eventName of
-> InitialUserCursors
<$> pure timestamp
<*> dat .: "cursors"
-> NewUserCursor
<$> pure timestamp
<*> parseJSON (Object dat)
-> fail $ "Unknown User Cursor event: " <> show unknown
_ -> typeMismatch "UserCursorEvent" v
instance FromJSON Cursor where
parseJSON v = case v of
Object o -> Cursor <$> o .: "cursor_type"
<*> o .: "room_id"
<*> o .: "user_id"
<*> o .: "position"
<*> o .: "updated_at"
_ -> typeMismatch "Cursor" v
instance FromJSON CursorType where
parseJSON v = case v of
Number s -> case toBoundedInteger s of
Nothing -> typeMismatch "CursorType" v
Just (i :: Int) -> case i of
0 -> pure ReadCursor
_ -> typeMismatch "CursorType" v
_ -> typeMismatch "CursorType" v
Note that unsuccessful events are handled by the clients which understand how to parse the 'ErrorResponse' format.
You can then work with this model instead of plain subscriptions:
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
pusherActions :: Pusher ()
pusherActions = do
-- Create an access token for alice
aliceUserID <- pusherIO $ generateUserID "alice"
accessToken <- pusherIO $ createAccessTokenAtTrustedServer aliceUserID
-- Create bob with the User model that deals with encoding/ decoding for us
bobUserID <- pusherIO $ generateUserID "bob"
Created bobUser <- pusherRequest accessToken $ CreateUser bobUserID "bob" ""
pusherIO . print $ bobUser
-- Subscribe to a users cursors with the model that deals with
-- encoding/ decoding events for us.
subscription <- pusherSubscribe accessToken $ SubscribeUserCursors bobUserID
pusherIO $ putStrLn $ "Successfully subscribed to cursors for: bob"
read subscription
read subscription = do
cursorEvent <- pusherReadEvent (Just 5000000) subscription
case cursorEvent of
Left (EventEndOfSubscription _status _headers _body)
-> do pusherIO $ putStrLn "End of subscription"
pure ()
Right (InitialUserCursors timestamp cursors)
-> do pusherIO $ putStrLn $ "Bob has cursors " <> show cursors <> " at " <> show timestamp
read subscription
Right (NewUserCursor timestamp cursor)
-> do pusherIO $ putStrLn $ "Bob has a new cursor " <> show cursor <> " at " <> show timestamp
read subscription
Executing the Pusher
type with runPusher
returns a PusherResult
. Asides
from success, the result may contain two classes of errors - PusherFailures
and PusherErrorResponses
indicate an 'expected' error returned by the API. The
contained ErrorResponse
will have a status code, a description of the error
and a link to documentation.
The type looks like:
data ErrorResponse = ErrorResponse
{ -- ^ The status code mirrors HTTP. I.E. 4xx indicates the client made a bad
-- request. 5xx indicates the server encountered some internal error.
_errorStatusCode :: Int
, _errorResponseBody :: ErrorResponseBody
-- | An Error 'successfully' returned from the API.
-- The status code mirrors http - 4xx indicates the client made a bad request,
-- 5xx indicates the server etc.
data ErrorResponseBody = ErrorResponseBody
-- ^ A unique string identifying the specific type of error.
_errorType :: Text
-- ^ A longer description of the meaning of the error.
, _errorDescription :: Maybe Text
-- ^ A link to further documentation on the error.
, _errorURI :: Text
-- ^ Key-value pairs that are specific to the error type and may provide more
-- detail as to what caused the error.
, _errorAttributes :: Maybe (Map Text Value)
The status codes and presence of a Retry-After
header indicate whether a
request can be retried.
- 2xx could indicate a subscription has unexpected closed 'successfully' from the servers point of view. You may want to re-establish.
- 429 with
header indicates you have hit a ratelimit and should retry after the specified period. - 4xx indicates the request is malformed in some way and likely cannot be retried without modifying some property indicated by the error type.
- 5xx indicates the server is having an internal problem. A
header should be present and indicate how soon you should retry the request.
s indicate a logic error in the libraries implementation or it's
dependencies. You may be able to retry these requests but it is more likely the
library is in an invalid state and should be completely re-initialised.
For example, this could be caused by:
- An internal error in the underlying HTTP2 client
- A double close on a
By default, both types of error short-circuit a Pusher
computation. I.E. in a
block, if one request fails, it's error will be immediately
returned and any remaining requests will not be issued. If you do NOT want this
behavior, pusherTry
can be used to explicitly handle ErrorResponses
A local copy of the reference docs can be built and opened with:
stack haddock --open
Note: This will build documentation for every transitive dependency and may take a long time on first run.
├── Pusher
│ ├── Client
│ │ ├── Error
│ │ ├── HTTP2
│ │ ├── Request
│ │ ├── Result
│ │ ├── Subscribe
│ │ └── Token
│ └── Model
Import | Contains |
Pusher | A Pusher type for chaining computations that make requests/ establish subscriptions. This type has a Monad interface with short-circuiting of failed operations. |
Pusher.Model | Shared data types used in making requests/ subscriptions and parsing their responses/ events |
Pusher.Client | The interface Client-like things must implement. Users of clients should use request from ClientRequest and subscribe from ClientSubscribe . Implementors of new clients should define clientRequest and clientSubscribe . |
Pusher.Client.Error | The format of 'successful' ErrorResponses returned by failing api calls |
Pusher.Client.HTTP2 | A concrete implementation of a client that multiplexes requests over HTTP2. The Pusher type uses this concrete client by default |
Pusher.Client.Request | Models traditional Request-Responses that all clients should understand |
Pusher.Client.Result | Requests to the api that may succeed, successfully fail or fail internally are wrapped by this module. |
Pusher.Client.Subscribe | Models long-lived subscriptions/ streaming responses that all clients should understand. |
Pusher.Client.Token | Convenience functions for generating AccessTokens which are used to authorize requests. |
Build with:
stack build
There are currently no tests.