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Build and Configure

sweetlilmre edited this page May 24, 2015 · 2 revisions

To build the Tapuino firmware you will need a recent version of the Arduino IDE (1.6.4 as of this):

Install the IDE and then clone or download a zip of the firmware (I suggest using a clone so you can pull at any time to update).

Before the firmware will compile successfully you will need to configure the source. This is achieved by creating a config-user.h file. An example file named config-user.h.example can be copied to config-user.h and then edited to choose appropriate configuration options.

Once configured, load the tapuino.ino file into the IDE and compile. If you downloaded a zip, or cloned into a folder named something other than tapuino the sketch will not compile (the IDE requires that the sketch lives in a folder of the same name) and you will need to rename the folder to tapuino.

Optionally a set of project files for Atmel Studio have been provided if you would like to use this IDE to compile.

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