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Adding Solvers

svissicchio edited this page Oct 20, 2017 · 2 revisions

There are two options to extend REPETITA with new solvers: 1) add a standalone, executable software as an external solver; and 2) integrate the new algorithm inside the REPETITA framework.

Using external solvers

Add the implementation (in any programming language, potentially) of your algorithm to external_solver/ inside the repetita directory, and specify in repetita/external_solver/solvers-specs.txt how to run this algorithm on an input topology and a demand file.

The file repetita/external_solver/solvers-specs.txt reports information on how to specify instructions to run external solvers, as below.

# For each external solver, specify how to use it within REPETITA
# The definition of each solver must start with an identifier within square brackets.
# It must also include the definition of the following features:
# - name                      Name of the solver
# - run command               Command to run the solver from CLI (use strings '$TOPOFILE' and '$DEMANDFILE' to specify topology and demand files to be taken as input; use string '$OUTFILE' for output file)
# - gettime command           Command to output the time taken by the solver during its last run
# - optimization effect       How to modify the routing configuration according to the output of 'run command'
# - field separator           The field separator in the output of 'run command' (default ' ', see below for more details)
# - key field                 The field number in the output of 'run command' that has to be used as keys by the optimization effect (default '0', see below for more details)
# - value field               The field number in the output of 'run command' that has to be used as value by the optimization effect (default '1', see below for more details)
# - optimization objective    An integer indicating the solver objective among {0 for 'undefined'; 1 for 'minimize max link utilization'}
# Implemented optimization effect
# - setLinkWeights            Changes IGP link weights from the output of the run command (the key field is the identifier of a link, the value field is the new weight to be set on the given link)
# - setExplicitPaths          Sets explicit paths (e.g., tunnels) from the output of the run command (the key field is the identifier of a demand, the value field is the explicit path to be set for the given demand)

The current REPETITA implementation also comes with two external solvers: They are nothing else than examples of how to configure external solvers in the framework, without any claim of being meaningful from a traffic engineering viewpoint.

As an illustration, we consider here This is a python script, returning randomly computed tunnels between pairs of nodes with traffic between them. The part of the repetita/external_solver/solvers-specs.txt file containing information on how to run this script is the following:

name = randomExplicitPaths
run command = python2.7 external_solvers/ $TOPOFILE $DEMANDFILE $OUTFILE
gettime command = cat $OUTFILE | grep 'execution time' | awk -v FS=': ' '{print $2}'
optimization effect = setExplicitPaths
field separator = '; '
key field = 0
value field = 2
optimization objective = 0

The first line is an identifier for the description of the new external solver. The second line gives information on how to run the solver on any pairs of files $TOPOFILE and $DEMANDFILE specifying information about topology and traffic demands in the REPETITA format (see here for more information). The third line details how to extract information about the time spent by the solver during its last run ($OUTFILE is the output file written by the run command, as specified in the previous line). The optimization effect and the following three lines instruct REPETITA to properly apply the optimization returned in standard output by the run command -- e.g., how to modify a REPETITA Setting object accordingly. The last line provides an indication of the optimization objective: This is mainly used in tests at the moment.

Integrating new solvers

Solvers can be integrated within the REPETITA framework by adding a class to a sub-package of edu.repetita.solvers. The class of the new solver must extend edu.repetita.core.Solver. Once added, the new solver will be directly integrated in the framework, thanks to (no further modification needed in addition to placing the new class in a sub-folder of edu.repetita.solvers). In fact, the following command should produce a new README.txt file already including the new solver.

$ ./repetita -doc

Two options are available to implement a new solver.

  • The first option is create a software wrapper that implements abstract methods in the edu.repetita.core.Solver class by calling the appropriate functions in predefined code. An example of this integration mode is represented by the class, that integrates the Scala implementation of the DEFO algorithm in about 80 lines of code.
  • The second option is to re-implement the algorithm from scratch, in Java, exploiting the functions made available by REPETITA. For an example of this option, we refer the reader to the implementation of edu.repetita.solvers.wo.TabuIGPWO, that implements a Local Search inspired by the IGP link weight optimization proposed by Fortz and Thorup.