This is a Easy Router component. Have automatic class loader. Runs the controller or file registered in the routes array according to the current uri
Just download and include the library to your project.
include 'src/EasyRouter.php';
use Suvarivaza\ER\EasyRouter; // use namespace EasyRouter
- First, let's create an array with routes and register them.
- Create an object of the EasyRouter class.
- Execute the RUN method.
$routes = [
'/' => [
'controller' => 'HomeController', // You can specify the controller that will handle the request.
'path' => 'controllers/' // And specify the path to the controller
'/posts/' => [
'file' => 'posts.php', // You can specify the file to which the request will be redirected.
'path' => 'public/' // And specify the path to the handler file
'/posts/show' => [
'controller' => 'PostsController/show', // Also you can optionally specify the controller method
'path' => 'controllers/'
'/posts/edit' => [
'controller' => 'PostsController/edit', // controller method
'path' => 'controllers/'
'/404' => [
'file' => '404.php', //you can specify the path to your custom 404 file
'path' => 'public/'
$router = new EasyRouter();
$router->run($routes, $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
Method RUN gets two arguments: $router | array $uri | string