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andrewtelnov committed Feb 26, 2025
1 parent 0ebc8bd commit 259867b
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Showing 34 changed files with 229 additions and 32 deletions.
6 changes: 5 additions & 1 deletion packages/survey-creator-core/src/localization/arabic.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -445,6 +445,7 @@ export var arStrings = {
imageHeight: "طول الصورة",
imageWidth: "عرض الصورة",
valueName: "اسم القيمة",
defaultDisplayValue: "قيمة العرض الافتراضية للنصوص الديناميكية",
rateDescriptionLocation: "محاذاة التسمية",
size: "عرض حقل الإدخال (بالأحرف)",
cellErrorLocation: "محاذاة رسالة خطأ الخلية",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1536,6 +1537,7 @@ export var arStrings = {
maxWidth: "يقبل قيم CSS (px ، ٪ ، in ، pt ، إلخ).",
width: "يقبل قيم CSS (px ، ٪ ، in ، pt ، إلخ).",
valueName: "إذا لم تقم بتعيين هذه الخاصية، تخزين الإجابة في حقل محدد بواسطة خاصية الاسم.",
defaultDisplayValue: "قيمة معروضة في أسئلة HTML وفي العناوين الديناميكية وأوصاف عناصر الاستطلاع عندما تكون قيمة السؤال فارغة.",
useDisplayValuesInDynamicTexts: "في أنواع الأسئلة ذات التحديد الفردي والمتعدد، يكون لكل خيار اختيار معرف وقيمة عرض. عند تحديده، يعرض هذا الإعداد قيمة عرض بدلا من قيمة معرف في أسئلة HTML والعناوين الديناميكية وأوصاف عناصر الاستطلاع.",
clearIfInvisible: "اختر ما إذا كنت تريد مسح قيم الأسئلة المخفية بواسطة المنطق الشرطي أم لا ومتى تفعل ذلك. يطبق خيار \"الوراثة\" إعداد مستوى الاستطلاع (\"عند اكتمال الاستطلاع\" افتراضيا).",
choicesFromQuestionMode: "اختر من بين: \"الكل\" - نسخ جميع خيارات الاختيار من السؤال المحدد ؛ \"محدد\" - ينسخ ديناميكيا خيارات الاختيار المحددة فقط ؛ \"غير محدد\" - ينسخ ديناميكيا خيارات الاختيار غير المحددة فقط. يتم نسخ الخيارين \"بلا\" و \"أخرى\" افتراضيا إذا تم تمكينهما في السؤال المصدر.",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2946,4 +2948,6 @@ setupLocale({ localeCode: "ar", strings: arStrings });
// pehelp.itemTitleWidth: "Sets consistent width for all item labels. Accepts CSS values (px, %, in, pt, etc.)." => "لتعيين عرض متسق لجميع تسميات الأصناف. يقبل قيم CSS (بكسل ، ٪ ، في ، pt ، إلخ)."
// ed.zoom100Tooltip: "Zoom to 100%" => "تكبير إلى 100٪"
// ed.addLanguageTooltip: "Add Language" => "إضافة لغة"
// pehelp.commentAreaRows: "Sets the number of displayed lines in text areas for question comments. If the input takes up more lines, the scroll bar appears." => "لتعيين عدد الأسطر المعروضة في مناطق النص لتعليقات الأسئلة. إذا كان الإدخال يشغل المزيد من الأسطر، فسيظهر شريط التمرير."
// pehelp.commentAreaRows: "Sets the number of displayed lines in text areas for question comments. If the input takes up more lines, the scroll bar appears." => "لتعيين عدد الأسطر المعروضة في مناطق النص لتعليقات الأسئلة. إذا كان الإدخال يشغل المزيد من الأسطر، فسيظهر شريط التمرير."
// pe.defaultDisplayValue: "Default display value for dynamic texts" => "قيمة العرض الافتراضية للنصوص الديناميكية"
// pehelp.defaultDisplayValue: "A value displayed in HTML questions and in the dynamic titles and descriptions of survey elements when the question value is empty." => "قيمة معروضة في أسئلة HTML وفي العناوين الديناميكية وأوصاف عناصر الاستطلاع عندما تكون قيمة السؤال فارغة."
6 changes: 5 additions & 1 deletion packages/survey-creator-core/src/localization/bulgarian.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -445,6 +445,7 @@ export var bgStrings = {
imageHeight: "Височина на изображението",
imageWidth: "Широчина на изображението",
valueName: "Съхранявай отговорите в следното JSON поле.",
defaultDisplayValue: "Стойност по подразбиране за показване за динамични текстове",
rateDescriptionLocation: "Подравняване на етикети",
size: "Ширина на полето за въвеждане (в знаци)",
cellErrorLocation: "Подравняване на съобщение за грешка в клетка",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1536,6 +1537,7 @@ export var bgStrings = {
maxWidth: "Приема CSS стойности (px, %, in, pt и т.н.).",
width: "Приема CSS стойности (px, %, in, pt и т.н.).",
valueName: "Ако не зададете това свойство, отговорът ще бъде съхранен в поле, указано от свойството Name.",
defaultDisplayValue: "Стойност, показвана в HTML въпроси и в динамичните заглавия и описания на елементите на проучването, когато стойността на въпроса е празна.",
useDisplayValuesInDynamicTexts: "При типовете въпроси с единичен и множествен избор всяка опция за избор има ИД и стойност на показване. Когато е избрана, тази настройка показва показвана стойност вместо стойност на ИД в HTML въпроси и динамични заглавия и описания на елементи от проучване.",
clearIfInvisible: "Изберете дали да изчистите стойностите на въпросите, скрити от условната логика, и кога да го направите. Опцията \"Наследяване\" прилага настройката на ниво проучване (\"При завършване на проучването\" по подразбиране).",
choicesFromQuestionMode: "Изберете от: \"Всички\" - копира всички опции за избор от избрания въпрос; \"Избрано\" - динамично копира само избраните опции за избор; \"Неизбрани\" - динамично копира само неизбрани опции за избор. Опциите \"Няма\" и \"Други\" се копират по подразбиране, ако са разрешени във въпроса източник.",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2595,4 +2597,6 @@ setupLocale({ localeCode: "bg", strings: bgStrings });
// pehelp.itemTitleWidth: "Sets consistent width for all item labels. Accepts CSS values (px, %, in, pt, etc.)." => "Задава постоянна ширина за всички етикети на елементите. Приема CSS стойности (px, %, in, pt и т.н.)."
// ed.zoom100Tooltip: "Zoom to 100%" => "Увеличете до 100%"
// ed.addLanguageTooltip: "Add Language" => "Добавяне на език"
// pehelp.commentAreaRows: "Sets the number of displayed lines in text areas for question comments. If the input takes up more lines, the scroll bar appears." => "Задава броя на показваните редове в текстовите области за коментари на въпроси. Ако входът заема повече редове, се появява лентата за превъртане."
// pehelp.commentAreaRows: "Sets the number of displayed lines in text areas for question comments. If the input takes up more lines, the scroll bar appears." => "Задава броя на показваните редове в текстовите области за коментари на въпроси. Ако входът заема повече редове, се появява лентата за превъртане."
// pe.defaultDisplayValue: "Default display value for dynamic texts" => "Стойност по подразбиране за показване за динамични текстове"
// pehelp.defaultDisplayValue: "A value displayed in HTML questions and in the dynamic titles and descriptions of survey elements when the question value is empty." => "Стойност, показвана в HTML въпроси и в динамичните заглавия и описания на елементите на проучването, когато стойността на въпроса е празна."
68 changes: 68 additions & 0 deletions packages/survey-creator-core/src/localization/burmese.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -445,6 +445,7 @@ export var mmStrings = {
imageHeight: "ပုံအမြင့်",
imageWidth: "ပုံအကျယ်",
valueName: "တန်ဖိုးအမည်",
// defaultDisplayValue: "Default display value for dynamic texts",
rateDescriptionLocation: "အချက်အလက်ဖော်ပြချက်တည်နေရာ",
// size: "Input field width (in characters)",
cellErrorLocation: "အကွက်အမှားစာတန်းတည်နေရာ",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1536,6 +1537,7 @@ export var mmStrings = {
maxWidth: "CSS တန်ဖိုးများကို လက်ခံသည် (px, %, in, pt, စသည်ဖြင့်)။",
width: "CSS တန်ဖိုးများကို လက်ခံသည် (px, %, in, pt, စသည်ဖြင့်)။",
valueName: "တန်ဖိုးများကို ချိတ်ဆက်ထားသော မေးခွန်းများနှင့် သက်ဆိုင်သော array သို့မဟုတ် object အတွက် custom key ဖြစ်သော Join Identifier ကို သတ်မှတ်ပါ။",
// defaultDisplayValue: "A value displayed in HTML questions and in the dynamic titles and descriptions of survey elements when the question value is empty.",
useDisplayValuesInDynamicTexts: "Single- နှင့် Multiple-Selection မေးခွန်းအမျိုးအစားများတွင် ID နှင့် Display Value ပါရှိသည့်ရွေးချယ်မှုများအတွက် ID Value အစား Display Value ကို ပြသရန် ရွေးချယ်ပါ။",
clearIfInvisible: "Conditional Logic ဖြင့်ဖျောက်ထားသော မေးခွန်းတန်ဖိုးများကို ဖျက်စီးရန် သို့မဟုတ်မဖျက်စီးရန်ရွေးချယ်ပါ။ \"Inherit\" သည် စစ်တမ်းအဆင့်သတ်မှတ်ချက်ကို သက်ဆိုင်ပါသည်။",
choicesFromQuestionMode: "ရွေးချယ်မှုများအားလုံး၊ ရွေးချယ်ထားသောရွေးချယ်မှုများ၊ သို့မဟုတ် မရွေးချယ်ထားသောရွေးချယ်မှုများကို dynamic သတ်မှတ်ပါ။",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1926,4 +1928,70 @@ setupLocale({ localeCode: "mm", strings: mmStrings });
// pehelp.inputSize: "The setting only resizes the input fields and doesn't affect the width of the question box." => undefined
// pehelp.itemTitleWidth: "Sets consistent width for all item labels. Accepts CSS values (px, %, in, pt, etc.)." => undefined
// theme.--sjs-general-backcolor-dim: "Sets the main background color of the survey." => undefined
// p.inputSize: "Input field width (in characters)" => undefined
// ed.expandTooltip: "Expand" => undefined
// ed.collapseTooltip: "Collapse" => undefined
// ed.zoom100Tooltip: "Zoom to 100%" => undefined
// ed.addLanguageTooltip: "Add Language" => undefined
// panel.questionOrder: "Question order within the panel" => undefined
// panellayoutcolumn.effectiveWidth: "Effective width, %" => undefined
// panellayoutcolumn.questionTitleWidth: "Question title width, px" => undefined
// paneldynamic.showNumber: "Number the panel" => undefined
// paneldynamic.templateQuestionTitleLocation: "Question title alignment" => undefined
// question.showNumber: "Number this question" => undefined
// survey.readOnly: "Make the survey read-only" => undefined
// page.questionOrder: "Question order on the page" => undefined
// pe.defaultDisplayValue: "Default display value for dynamic texts" => undefined
// pe.size: "Input field width (in characters)" => undefined
// pe.listIsEmpty@gridLayoutColumns: "You don't have layout columns yet" => undefined
// pe.startPageTitlePlaceholder: "Start Page" => undefined
// pe.navigationButtonsLocation: "Navigation buttons alignment" => undefined
// pe.progressBarLocation: "Progress bar alignment" => undefined
// pe.choiceValuesFromQuestion: "Use values from the following matrix column or panel question as choice IDs" => undefined
// pe.choiceTextsFromQuestion: "Use values from the following matrix column or panel question as choice texts" => undefined
// pe.previewMode: "Preview mode" => undefined
// pe.gridLayoutEnabled: "Enable grid layout" => undefined
// pe.gridLayoutColumns: "Grid columns" => undefined
// pe.maskSettings: "Mask settings" => undefined
// pe.detailErrorLocation: "Row expansion error message alignment" => undefined
// pe.itemTitleWidth_placeholder: "Ex.: 100px" => undefined
// pv.allQuestions: "Show all questions" => undefined
// pv.answeredQuestions: "Show answered questions only" => undefined
// addRowButtonLocation.default: "Based on matrix layout" => undefined
// rowOrder.initial: "Original" => undefined
// questionOrder.initial: "Original" => undefined
// progressBarLocation.topbottom: "Top and bottom" => undefined
// progressBarLocation.aboveheader: "Above the header" => undefined
// progressBarLocation.belowheader: "Below the header" => undefined
// "Hidden" => undefined
// panel.questionOrder: "Keeps the original order of questions or randomizes them. The \"Inherit\" option applies the page-level (if set) or survey-level setting." => undefined
// panel.effectiveColSpan: "Specifies how many columns this panel spans within the grid layout." => undefined
// panel.gridLayoutColumns: "This table lets you configure each grid column within the panel. It automatically sets the width percentage for each column based on the maximum number of elements in a row. To customize the grid layout, manually adjust these values and define the title width for all questions in each column." => undefined
// paneldynamic.templateQuestionTitleLocation: "Applies to all questions within this panel. If you want to override this setting, define title alignment rules for individual questions. The \"Inherit\" option applies the page-level (if set) or survey-level setting (\"Top\" by default)." => undefined
// paneldynamic.copyDefaultValueFromLastEntry: "Duplicates answers from the last panel and assigns them to the next added dynamic panel." => undefined
// pehelp.copyDefaultValueFromLastEntry: "Duplicates answers from the last row and assigns them to the next added dynamic row." => undefined
// pehelp.gridLayoutEnabled: "Survey Creator allows you to manually adjust the inline widths of form elements to control the layout. If this doesn't produce the desired outcome, you can enable the grid layout, which structures form elements using a column-based system. To configure layout columns, select a page or panel and use the \"Question Settings\" → \"Grid columns\" table. To adjust how many columns a question spans, select it and set the desired value in the \"Layout\" → \"Column span\" field." => undefined
// question.effectiveColSpan: "Specifies how many columns this question spans within the grid layout." => undefined
// survey.readOnly: "Select if you want to prevent respondents from filling out your survey." => undefined
// survey.progressBarLocation: "Sets the location of the progress bar. The \"Auto\" value displays the progress bar above or below the survey header." => undefined
// pehelp.autoAdvanceEnabled: "Select if you want the survey to auto-advance to the next page once a respondent has answered all questions on the current page. This feature won't apply if the last question on the page is open-ended or allows multiple answers." => undefined
// pehelp.autoAdvanceAllowComplete: "Select if you want the survey to complete automatically after a respondent answers all questions." => undefined
// pehelp.navigationButtonsLocation: "Sets the location of navigation buttons on a page." => undefined
// pehelp.requiredMark: "A symbol or a sequence of symbols indicating that an answer is required." => undefined
// pehelp.autoFocusFirstQuestion: "Select if you want the first input field on each page ready for text entry." => undefined
// pehelp.questionOrder: "Keeps the original order of questions or randomizes them. The effect of this setting is only visible in the Preview tab." => undefined
// pehelp.maxCommentLength: "For question comments only." => undefined
// pehelp.commentAreaRows: "Sets the number of displayed lines in text areas for question comments. If the input takes up more lines, the scroll bar appears." => undefined
// pehelp.detailErrorLocation: "Sets the location of error messages for questions nested in detail sections. The \"Inherit\" option applies the setting from the \"Error message alignment\" property." => undefined
// page.requiredIf: "Use the magic wand icon to set a conditional rule that prevents survey submission unless at least one nested question has an answer." => undefined
// page.questionTitleWidth: "Sets consistent width for question titles when they are aligned to the left of their question boxes. Accepts CSS values (px, %, in, pt, etc.)." => undefined
// page.questionErrorLocation: "Sets the location of an error message in relation to the question with invalid input. Choose between: \"Top\" - an error text is placed at the top of the question box; \"Bottom\" - an error text is placed at the bottom of the question box. The \"Inherit\" option applies the survey-level setting (\"Top\" by default)." => undefined
// page.questionOrder: "Keeps the original order of questions or randomizes them. The \"Inherit\" option applies the survey-level setting (\"Original\" by default). The effect of this setting is only visible in the Preview tab." => undefined
// page.gridLayoutColumns: "This table lets you configure each grid column on the page. It automatically sets the width percentage for each column based on the maximum number of elements in a row. To customize the grid layout, manually adjust these values and define the title width for all questions in each column." => undefined
// pehelp.defaultDisplayValue: "A value displayed in HTML questions and in the dynamic titles and descriptions of survey elements when the question value is empty." => undefined
// pehelp.choiceValuesFromQuestion: "In single- and multiple-selection question types, each choice option has an ID and display value. This setting specifies which matrix column or panel question should provide the IDs." => undefined
// pehelp.choiceTextsFromQuestion: "In single- and multiple-selection question types, each choice option has an ID and display value. This setting specifies which matrix column or panel question should provide the display texts." => undefined
// pehelp.inputSize: "The setting only resizes the input fields and doesn't affect the width of the question box." => undefined
// pehelp.itemTitleWidth: "Sets consistent width for all item labels. Accepts CSS values (px, %, in, pt, etc.)." => undefined
// theme.--sjs-general-backcolor-dim: "Sets the main background color of the survey." => undefined
// p.inputSize: "Input field width (in characters)" => undefined

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