This C# project is part of Lesson 4 (CLG C# course), and aims to use user input, operations, booleans, if / else if / else statements, while statements, break, continue and other concepts to build a simple savings calculator.
This project was created using Visual Studio Code with the C# OmniSharp extension. Download the .zip file from github and extract to a suitable folder. Open Program.cs in Visual Studio Code. Use the commands
dotnet build
dotnet run
to initialise the project, and follow the prompts to play the guessing game.
- Console.WriteLine()
- Console.ReadLine()
- Trim()
- ToLower()
- int.Parse()
- boolean values
- operators (+ etc)
- comparative operators (<=, etc)
- Random() and Next()
- if / else if / else statements
- while statments
- break
- continue
08/03/2021 - first draft uploaded to github.
09/03/2021 - fixed indentation, added some extra comments, renamed variables for clarity