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KubeConfig Manager
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Find more information at: https://github.com/sunny0826/kubecm
kubecm [flags]
kubecm [command]
Available Commands:
add Merge configuration file with $HOME/.kube/config
alias Generate alias for all contexts
completion Generates bash/zsh completion scripts
delete Delete the specified context from the kubeconfig
help Help about any command
ls List kubeconfig
merge Merge the kubeconfig files in the specified directory
namespace Switch or change namespace interactively
rename Rename the contexts of kubeconfig
switch Switch Kube Context interactively
version Print version info
--config string path of kubeconfig (default "$HOME/.kube/config")
-h, --help help for kubecm
Use "kubecm [command] --help" for more information about a command.
brew install sunny0826/tap/kubecm
# linux x86_64
curl -Lo kubecm.tar.gz https://github.com/sunny0826/kubecm/releases/download/v${VERSION}/kubecm_${VERSION}_Linux_x86_64.tar.gz
# macos
curl -Lo kubecm.tar.gz https://github.com/sunny0826/kubecm/releases/download/v${VERSION}/kubecm_${VERSION}_Darwin_x86_64.tar.gz
# windows
curl -Lo kubecm.tar.gz https://github.com/sunny0826/kubecm/releases/download/v${VERSION}/kubecm_${VERSION}_Windows_x86_64.tar.gz
# linux & macos
tar -zxvf kubecm.tar.gz kubecm
cd kubecm
sudo mv kubecm /usr/local/bin/
# windows
# Unzip kubecm.tar.gz
# Add the binary in to your $PATH
# bash
kubecm completion bash > ~/.kube/kubecm.bash.inc
printf "
# kubecm shell completion
source '$HOME/.kube/kubecm.bash.inc'
" >> $HOME/.bash_profile
source $HOME/.bash_profile
# add to $HOME/.zshrc
source <(kubecm completion zsh)
# or
kubecm completion zsh > "${fpath[1]}/_kubecm"
# List all the contexts in your kubeconfig file
kubecm ls
# Aliases
kubecm l
Generate alias for all contexts.
$ kubecm alias
# dev
alias k-dev='kubectl --context dev'
# test
alias k-test='kubectl --context test'
# prod
alias k-prod='kubectl --context prod'
$ kubecm alias -o zsh
# add alias context to ~/.zshrc
$ kubecm alias -o bash
# add alias context to ~/.bash_profile
# Merge example.yaml with $HOME/.kube/config.yaml
kubecm add -f example.yaml
# Merge example.yaml and name contexts test with $HOME/.kube/config.yaml
kubecm add -f example.yaml -n test
# Overwrite the original kubeconfig file
kubecm add -f example.yaml -c
# Merge kubeconfig in the directory
kubecm merge -f dir
# Merge kubeconfig in the directory and overwrite the original kubeconfig file
kubecm merge -f dir -c
# Switch Kube Context interactively
kubecm switch
# Delete the context interactively
kubecm delete
# Delete the context
kubecm delete my-context
# Renamed the context interactively
kubecm rename
You can switch namespace or switch namespace interactively
# Switch Namespace interactively
kubecm namespace
# or
kubecm ns
# change to namespace of kube-system
kubecm ns kube-system
Feel free to open issues and pull requests. Any feedback is highly appreciated!