Ubuntu improvements
The best choice is to use minimal install while installing Ubuntu Linux. Be sure to check in these two options.
sudo apt install git
git clone https://github.com/kabachoke/Sunderbuntu.git
cd Sunderbuntu
sudo sh setup.sh
sudo apt install git && git clone https://github.com/kabachoke/Sunderbuntu.git && cd Sunderbuntu && sudo sh setup.sh
- All snaps, snap-store and snapd removed fully
- Firefox and Google-Chrome installed from apt
- Installed basic system packages
- linux-headers
- dbus-x11
- ntfs-3g
- libfuse2
- build-essential
- python3 with pip and venv
- Installed terminal software
- htop
- s-tui
- inxi
- bat (better cat utility)
- nala (frontend for apt package manager)
- Removed services
- bolt.service
- colord.service
- cups-browsed.service
- cups.service
- fwupd.service
- ModemManager.service
- Gnome check-alive-timeout set to 30 sec
- vm.max_map_count set to 16777216
- DefaultTimeoutStopSec for services set to 15 sec