The SunCET Data Processing Pipeline is written in Python. To use the software, the first step is to clone the repository and install the dependencies. The dependencies may be installed through one of two routes. First, one may use the environment.yml
file with Anaconda or a compatible replacement (such as Miniconda, Mamba or Micromamba). The environment.yml
route only uses the free channels (conda-forge), which do not require a paid account. Alternatively, one can use the requirements.txt
file directly with pip
(Python 3.9 and 3.10 only).
To use the environment.yml
route, run the following line. The conda
command can be replaced with mamba
or micromamba
as needed.
$ conda env create -f environment.yml
$ conda activate suncet
To use the requirements.txt
route, run the following line. This may be done inside your own environment, such as with virtualenv.
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
The code uses a lightweight run management system. First, a new run is created which makes a new directory for the run. Then, the user copies the input data (binary packet telemetary) to the input sub-directory for the run. When that is done, one or more commands are executed to perform the processing, which will leave data in output sub-directories.
$ python --run-name MYRUN # this makes a directory processing_runs/MYRUN
$ cp TELEMETRY_PATH/*.bin procesing_runs/MYRUN/input # add input files
$ python --run-name MYRUN # begins processing the run and writes output
$ cp processing_runs/MYRUN/level3/* /ftp/public/level3 # copy output data to export directory
To delete a run from disk, all thats needed is to delete its directory:
$ rm -r processing_runs/MYRUN`
To run the tests, run the following command from the top-level directory:
$ pytest -v
- To get to Level 0b: Raw binary files downlinked from the spacecraft
- To get to Level 0c, 1, and 2: the output of the preceding level
Level 0b | Level 0c | Level 1 | Level 2 |
Raw images with metadata in header | Added ancillary data needed to produce L1 | Images with dark and flat field corrections | Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) catalog: average speed and acceleration, height-time, speed-time, and acceleration-time plots, movies |