$ mysql -u root
create database socialmediadb;
create user socialuser identified with mysql_native_password by 'socialpass';
grant all privileges on socialmediadb.* to socialuser;
flush privileges;
├── controllers # functions to connect routes to db operations
├── db # db connection and model definitions
├── public # html/js/css files for static part of site
└── routes # express middlewares (route wise)
├── app # our own frontend js code
│ └── common.js
├── components # own own html snippets
│ └── navbar.html
├── css # css libraries we are using
│ └── bootstrap.css
├── fonts # fonts that we are using
│ ├── Muli-Italic.woff2
│ ├── Muli.woff2
│ └── muli.css
├── index.html # first / home page
└── js # js libraries we are using
├── bootstrap.js
├── jquery-3.4.1.js
└── popper.js
- create users this will create a new user with a random username
create post this will create a new post, required fields are
- username (the author of this post)
- title
- body
show all posts list all existing posts, we should have following filtering support
- filter by username
- filter by query contained in title (search by title)
edit posts
delete posts
show all comments (of a user)
show all comments (under a post)
add a comment
POST /users
Creates a new user with random username and an user id
GET /users/{userid}
Get an user with a given user id
GET /users/{username}
Get an user with a given username
GET /posts
Get all posts by everyone
POST /posts
Create a new post. Required fields in body -