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Using the Clipbot

Outvi V edited this page Aug 26, 2020 · 1 revision

With the pvp-clipbot and GitHub actions, the process from cliping audio to creating PR can be done with zero interference. How to use them?


To avoid abuseing, the bot only listen to people on its whitelist. Confirm that you are in the whitelist of the clipbot before expecting reply from the bot. The whitelist is maintained manually by @outloudvi, so please contact him to modify the list.

To clip a video on YouTube (and we don't support Bilibili since the server is abroad), write the following stuffs on the first line of your comment:

/clip youtube [Video ID] [Start sec] [End sec]

For example:

/clip youtube U84Pn69RIy0 321.75 349.56

The bot should contact you in minutes with the finished audio clip.

Optionally, to ask the bot to make a PR, contain " pr " (with at least one space before and after) and the information block (as the format in sound.json!) in your comment. An example is:

/clip youtube U84Pn69RIy0 321.75 349.56 please pr this

    "name": "Today Sui-chan is still kawaii! (Lovely and quietly)",
    "name_l10n": {
      "zh": "彗酱今天也很卡哇伊~!(奶声奶气)",
      "ja": "すいちゃんは、今日もかわいい〜!(愛らしい、ひそやかに)"

Also, you can use YAML:

/clip youtube U84Pn69RIy0 321.75 349.56 please pr this
name: Today Sui-chan is still kawaii! (Lovely and quietly)
  zh: 彗酱今天也很卡哇伊~!(奶声奶气)
  ja: すいちゃんは、今日もかわいい〜!(愛らしい、ひそやかに)

(Thanks @Hoshimachiyuri by providing this example!)

Then the audio will be clipped and PR will be automatically generated.

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