It's a simple API to retrieve word of the day(woday) from several sources.
Sample response:
"source": "OED",
"link": "",
"word": "breast beam",
"definition": "1. Weaving. The horizontal wooden beam at the front of a loom, around which the woven cloth passes as it is wound on the cloth beam."
"source": "MW",
"link": "",
"word": "bumptious",
"definition": [
": presumptuously, obtusely, and often noisily self-assertive : obtrusive"
"source": "",
"link": "",
"word": "schwa",
"definition": "the mid-central, neutral vowel sound typically occurring in unstressed syllables in English, however spelled, as the sound of a in alone and sofa, e in system, i in easily, o in gallop, u in circus."