Welcome to Notey! This is a digital bulletin board that allows you to take a "notey" and make a list of all the notes that you save. There is also a delete button if you want to erase any of the notes.
Start by installing front and backend dependencies. While in this directory, run the following commands:
yarn install
cd client
yarn install
cd ..
After both installations complete, run the following command in your terminal:
yarn start
That's it, your app should be running on <http://localhost:3000>. The Express server should intercept any AJAX requests from the client.
## Deployment (Heroku)
After confirming that you have an up to date git repository and a Heroku app created, complete the following:
1. Build the React app for production by running the following command:
yarn build
2. Add and commit all changes to git
3. Push to Heroku
If all previous steps were followed correctly, your application should be deployed to Heroku!