Post GSoC 2023
We (mostly @MohitGupta14) made a lot of progress this summer, largely on "behind the scenes" issues that make a big difference in performance. Most notably, the interface for touch devices is much improved and many issues around screen size (and resizing) have been addressed.
There is now a Record Button on the the main toolbar (just to the right of the Stop Button). When the button is pressed, its center will turn red and video recording of your project will begin. Clicking on the button a second time will stop the recording and you will be prompted to save the recording to the file system. Note that recording is not available on some browsers, e.g., Firefox.
There is also a Full Screen Button on the main toolbar (just to the left of the New Project Button). Pressing this button will cause Music Blocks to enter full-screen mode. Use the ESC key to exit full-screen mode.
The One-of-this-or-that Block on the Numbers Palette now has numeric defaults (0 or 1). There is a new macro block available on the Pitch Palette that lets you use pitch defaults (do or sol).
Many thanks to all of the contributors and testers. And thank you to Google for allowing us to participate in GSoC 2023.