This is a simple iOS app that displays a list of books and allows users to mark their favorites. The app utilizes the Gutendex public API to fetch book data and demonstrates asynchronous programming using SwiftUI and Combine.
Get familiar with SwiftUI and Combine.
The main focus of this project was the aforementioned technologies. Thus, algorythms implemented in suboptimal version.
Book List | Favorite List |
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- Clone the repository:
git clone [email protected]:stelarelas/MyBooks.git
- Open the project in Xcode.
- Build and run the app on a simulator or device.
The app has the following dependencies:
- SwiftUI: A declarative framework for building user interfaces.
- Combine: A framework for processing values over time.
- URLSession: Apple's networking framework for making HTTP requests.
The app follows the MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) architectural pattern.
Data models:
Represents the book entity and the response structure for book lists.
struct Book: Identifiable, Decodable { let id: Int let title: String let author: String let coverImageURL: URL? var isFavorite: Bool = false let languages: String let downloadCount: Int }
View Models:
Handles the data and business logic for the book list and favorite list screens.
Communicates with the data service to fetch and update book data.
class BookListViewModel: ObservableObject { @Published var books: [Book] = [] private var subscribers: Set<AnyCancellable> = [] private var booksService: BooksServiceProtocol private var nextPage: String? init(booksService: BooksServiceProtocol = BooksService()) { self.booksService = booksService } func fetchBooks() { let bookList = booksService.fetchBooks() saveNextPageURL(bookList: bookList) saveBookList(bookList: bookList) } func fetchMoreBooks() { guard let nextPage = self.nextPage else { return } let bookList = booksService.fetchMoreBooks(nextPage: nextPage) saveNextPageURL(bookList: bookList) saveBookList(bookList: bookList) } private func saveNextPageURL(bookList: AnyPublisher<BookListRaw, NetworkError>) { // Save next page URL } private func saveBookList(bookList: AnyPublisher<BookListRaw, NetworkError>) { // Save Book list } func toggleFavorite(book: Book) { if let index = books.firstIndex(where: { $ == }) { books[index].isFavorite.toggle() } } }
class FavoriteListViewModel: ObservableObject { @Published var favoriteBooks: [Book] = [] func updateFavoriteBooks(from books: [Book]) { favoriteBooks = books.filter { $0.isFavorite } } }
Defines the user interface components using SwiftUI.
Observes and interacts with the view models to display data and respond to user actions with Combine.
struct ContentView: View { @ObservedObject private var bookListViewModel = BookListViewModel() @ObservedObject private var favoriteListViewModel = FavoriteListViewModel() var body: some View { TabView { BookListView(viewModel: bookListViewModel, favoriteListViewModel: favoriteListViewModel) .tabItem { Label("Books", systemImage: "book") } FavoriteListView(viewModel: favoriteListViewModel) .tabItem { Label("Favorites", systemImage: "heart.fill") } } .onAppear() { bookListViewModel.fetchBooks() } } }
Provides a network service to fetch book data using the Gutendex API.
Implements the BooksServiceProtocol to define the required methods.
protocol BooksServiceProtocol { func fetchBooks() -> AnyPublisher<BookListRaw, NetworkError> func fetchMoreBooks(nextPage: String) -> AnyPublisher<BookListRaw, NetworkError> }
class BooksService: BooksServiceProtocol { private var networkRequest: Requestable init(networkRequest: Requestable = NetworkRequest()) { self.networkRequest = networkRequest } func fetchBooks() -> AnyPublisher<BookListRaw, NetworkError> { // Use NetworkRequest instance to fetch books } func fetchMoreBooks(nextPage: String) -> AnyPublisher<BookListRaw, NetworkError> { // Use NetworkRequest instance to fetch the next page } }
Handles network requests and responses using Combine's URLSession publisher.
Performs API calls to the Gutendex API and returns publishers for book data.
protocol Requestable { func request<T: Decodable>(_ req: Request) -> AnyPublisher<T, NetworkError> } class NetworkRequest: Requestable { private let session: URLSessionProtocol init(session: URLSessionProtocol = URLSession.shared) { self.session = session } public func request<T>(_ req: Request) -> AnyPublisher<T, NetworkError> where T: Decodable { guard let url = req.getURLRequest() else { // Return a fail publisher if the url is invalid return AnyPublisher( Fail<T, NetworkError>(error: NetworkError.badURL("Invalid Url")) ) } return session.getPublisher(for: url) .tryMap { output in // throw an error if response is nil guard output.response is HTTPURLResponse else { throw NetworkError.serverError(code: 0, error: "Server error") } return } .decode(type: T.self, decoder: JSONDecoder()) .mapError { error in // return error if json decoding fails NetworkError.invalidJSON(String(describing: error)) } .eraseToAnyPublisher() } }
Dependency Inversion: Objects like
containing business logic depend on interfaces/protocols-
Mock objects have been used to test such objects
class NetworkRequestMock: Requestable { var responseMock: AnyPublisher<BookListRaw, NetworkError>! func request<T>(_ req: Request) -> AnyPublisher<T, NetworkError> where T : Decodable { if let booksResponse = responseMock as? AnyPublisher<T, NetworkError> { return booksResponse } fatalError("Missing booksResponse in NetworkRequestMock") } }
Pagination: When the User scrolls to the bottom of the list, the view informs the view model to fetch the next page of books. I chose to build the next page URL using the Query Params to maintain abstraction in my Networking models.
MyBooks App utilizes the Gutendex API ( to fetch book data.